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Since this book is not dealing with everyday matters like high school, romance, vampires or wizards (not to forget zombies, but I really dislike those), I thought it might be a good idea to start with a more thorough introduction to the topic at hand.

Now, first of all: what is a so-called spiritual path?

*scratches head* You know, I am not sure that I can give you a universally correct answer. After all, the subject of spirituality is a vast one. It encompasses everything and nothing (quite literally. Just ask the Buddhists), depending on your definition and view of the world.

Therefore, I shall only tell you what I've come to understand about its nature.
In my view, there are three main ingredients that are absolutely necessary for a spiritual path:

1) At least one person who follows it (well, theoretically there might even be paths that nobody follows (yet), but. . . well, you know. . .)
2) Someone who has laid down the inner and outer workings of the path (otherwise you would not know who, what or how to follow)
3) The path itself (i.e. a higher goal and the method how to achieve it).
Sounds easy?

Well, maybe that part. But. . .

From these three basic points, a lot of questions arise. Such as: Why look for a path? How to chose one? Who is qualified to be the leader of a path?

You might ask: why have a leader at all? Why not form a committee or install a democratic voting system to decide upon the goal and how to best reach it?

*glances at the daily news and breaks down in a laughing fit*

No, seriously. *Wipes the last tears from her eyes*

In theory, everybody could create his/her own path. Which is not such a rare occurrence, I have to admit. Only: for it to be 'successful', at least someone has to believe in it and follow.

Which does tend to happen more readily, if the leader in question displays some kind of spiritual maturity and wisdom. In the best-case scenario (and this is actually the only one that truly justifies the term 'Spiritual Path' in my opinion), the master has realized the highest. Meaning that he has managed to attain a state of consciousness allowing him/her to be consciously one with the universe after having dissolved the confines of the 'little I' or ego.

You find that hard to believe? Well that, of course, is your prerogative.

Which leads us to the maybe most important question: how to find a true path? (One, that is actually based in reality and does lead one towards at least a higher, if not the highest goal.)

Ah, now it gets interesting.

If you have read my first book 'The Hidden Path', you already know about one way, at least.

Generally speaking, when someone has housed within him/herself a deep inner longing to discover the hidden thruths of life long enough, the path and the master appear. In other words: the seeker stumbles across it in some way. (By hearing/reading about it, or even by meeting the master in person.)


Yes. Really.

It is that simple. (Ignoring the fact that it sometimes recquires a fair amount of patience.)

Of course, there is this whole other matter of false paths/masters that might appear along the way. How to differentiate?
Well, you really have to rely on your inner sincerity to guide you through that one, I'm afraid.

On the other hand, if you are not sincere enough, if you are not ready to really look at yourself and deal with the good and the bad within you - the latter with the view of improving/transforming it - then you might not mind being on a 'false' path for a while. Which would teach you what it is truly about.

Or not. It all depends on you, really.

Finally: what can you expect from a path? Eternal happiness and perfection in yourself and others, as soon as you have joined?


That would be great!

But, of course, as you might have guessed, life does not really work that way. (Nor does paying money in exchange for illumination, by the way. Not ever. Otherwise, we would have quite the number of rich, realized people, by now. Which is - very obviously - not the case.)

Therefore, be prepared to meet a lot of other, not exactly perfect people on a path, who are all struggling with their own issues on the way to their individual self-perfection.

Does not sound like much fun?

*sighs* Well, according to Sri Chinmoy, a spiritual path is not a bed of roses. But. . . it is not a bed of thorns, either. And as you struggle to overcome your own imperfections and others do the same, something miraculous happens: you make progress.

And as you lose considerable portions of your fear, insecurity, jealousy, anger, ego, depression (everyone insert their own, favorite negative quality here. . .) in the process, your consciousness becomes continuously lighter and more joyful.
Until - finally, very finally - you dissolve the confines of your little ego and expand into the infinite consciousness that we are all a tiny part of.

But, fortunately, you don't have to wait quite that long to feel that all the effort is really worth it. Otherwise, I doubt that anyone would ever have been able to realize the highest. No, the increase in joy and happiness is almost instantaneous. (Although I strongly suspect that this is something like an initial bonus that you get from the Supreme for simply starting - akin to opening a new, specially advertised account with a bank or to switching to a new telecom - and not really our own achievement.)

Now, if you want to know how all of this works out in real life. . . then you might just have to continue reading. . . ;)

Please note that I have not prewritten anything at this point and I just write about whatever inspires me. As these are stories from all the rest of my life, it is too vast a field for me to arrange into a readable order beforehand. Hence, there will be no logical order to the chapters at this point.
Therefore, if you feel confused about anything, please, don't hesitate to ask.
Last but not least: thank you for your interest and for reading!

I found the picture at DeviantArt, its creator is elenalight.

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