Unpleasent marks and loving kisses

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Third pov

" I don't know..." Sean told the two boys.

" What?" Dan asked confused.
Phil mounted the same thing, now being unable to talk.

" Well I never got told and I can't figure it out by myself, but I think I'm a vampire? Maybe...I mean I know need to drink blood or anything but I also don't need to eat human food. I'm stronger then almost anything-".

" Wait! What made you think you were a vampire?" Dan asked.

" I got the fangs" Sean replied.
He smiled to reveal two large crystal white pointy teeth at the front of his mouth.

" You could be..." Dan trailed off.

While Dan and Sean discussed what he could be. Phil noticed that something was off.
He felt cold, to cold. It wasn't that the room wasn't hot, he could tell it was warm. But he felt his skin was like ice.

Phil felt the damp burin get sensation traveling through his entire being. Just like blood pumping.

'Dan' Phil tried to got Dan's attention. But it seems fruitless because of the fact that he was mute.

Phil had started to panic now. His breathing becoming uneven and his vision growing fuzzy and distorted. He felt like he didn't have a grip on reality. Like he was falling and falling, there was no way up.
Phil tired to calm his breathing and get out. But it only sped the process up.

Phil grabbed Dan by the shoulder in his gaze and shook his with all his strength. Which at the moment was little to nothing.

However, Dan because alert of his friend who was now violently coughing.

" Phil what's wrong? Are you sick?" Dan questioned.

Phil shook his head as he gasped for air, knowing he couldn't answer he didn't make any attempts to say anything. Phil felt so cold, but the burning stayed.

" It's what Mark does" Sean said with a low voice. A grim expression on his face.

Dan frantically tried to help Phil but the vampire didn't know what to do.

Phil leant back on the bed and hugged himself. He looked as though he was in great pain. He had stopped coughing but now was gasping for air. He couldn't breathe properly which was just as bad.

" What is it?" Dan questioned, panic in his voice.

" Mark will mark his victims it's usually by injection of saliva. He can also kiss them to mark them. But I think lately he's preferred to bite" Sean explained.

Dan tried to look Phil in the eyes.
" Did he do any of that to you?" Dan questioned, now concerned and angered.

Phil nodded as his pain began to fade. The bruins retracting slowly and he started to become warmer on the outside. The human tilted his head to the side so Dan could see the bite wound that looked like a human bite instead of a vampires.
It had healed quickly and left a scar, the scar itself was circular and an angry red colour.

" I'll kill him" Dan swore under his breath as he saw the damage.
" What does the mark do?".

Sean now looked at Phil with more concern and worry then ever before.
" Well in sort Mark can control you" He answered.

Dan's eyes widened and he glared at Sean.
"What's that supposed to mean? He can make Phil do things? Like a puppet?!" Dan half yelled, starting to get even more angry.

Sean frantically shook his head.
" No No No! That's not what I meant! He can't make Phil do things. He can make Phil feel things. Like pain, he can stop him from seeing, smelling, talking. He can induce pain or make him cold or hot. He can take away all five sense or boost them, that sort of thing" Sean explained quickly.

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