Death and glory

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" I have to choose between my life and yours".

Phil looking at Dan with a horrified expression. He didn't want his friend to have to choose between himself and someone else life. Phil thought for a moment that he wouldn't be worth saving. What would be contribute to society?
He didn't know...
But he did know that Dan came all this way just to at least see Phil. To save him. That was something.
Phil wanted to live. But was Dan willing to die for him.

" Don't worry we will get out before anything happens" Dan tired to reassure Phil. Although it failed, for his voice was shaking and terrified.

" What are demons?" Phil asked.

Dan glanced at Phil. Resisting the urge to want to drink his blood. Phil was basically covered in his own blood. Dan could smell it in the air. He swallowed and fought the growing urge.

" Basically just like vampire. Way strong way way way stronger. Also they eat souls not blood. They also don't get as hungry as us" Dan told Phil, having no problem telling him.
" They also like to dish out pain".

Silence filled the room again. Their breaths the only thing to break the deafening nothingness that filled the empty space.

Dan's mind began to wander. He knew why Mark went to all this trouble just to get him. Of all vampires it had to be Dan. Dan knew he wasn't anything extremely special. But he had something that only few other vampires had.
A human heart.
One that pumped blood through his veins. That made him stronger and faster.
It kept going even after he was turned and he had no idea why. It was like a defect that some vampires had. It made them more hungry and sore.
Mark wanted him to become a demon, because that is exactly what makes them stronger. A beating heart.

Dan sighed knowing Phil knew none of this and didn't want to tell him. He had already had so much information pumped into him.

Dan began to pull at the ropes. Trying to break free.

Phil looked up to Dan, noticing him struggling.
" I thought you said you could break out of them" he spoke softly.

Dan glanced up as he death glared his restraints.
" No, but if I can just get my hand free-".

Dan stopped as his hand smashed through the wood instead. The rope slacking.

" That works too" Dan said as he slipped the ropes of his right arm which was now free.

Dan then began to rip at the other ropes holding him.

Phil felt hope spark in his. He became excited that he might just get out of here. He might just be able to hold Dan again. He might free.

Dan hissed in pain as he pulled at the holy ropes. Having them burn his skin.
He managed to get his left arm free as well.
Then his legs.

Dan then ran over to Phil and worked on his ropes. Phil couldn't help but have a smile on his face as he was slowly released.

Dan was so preoccupied with freeing Phil that he didn't notice the stench of blood coming from his friend. Of that he was basically a platter of food right in front of him.

Dan didn't notice how hungry he was.

That was until he had totally freed Phil and the boy attempted to stand up. Phil fell, his legs not being able to hold him because of the pain he was in. Dan put Phil's arm arches his shoulders holding his close. That was when Dan breathed in. The sweet mouthwatering scent filled his nose impossibly fast.

Phil saw the blackness slowly creep into Dan's hair and eyes. The boy glanced down at himself. Seeing all the red, knowing how hungry his friend was.

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