
82 4 0

Phil's pov

I sighed and set my cat-sticker covered laptop next to me. I had started to research vampires. But there was just so much Loré on them it was ridiculous. Ones that sparkle, ones that can turn into bats, hybrids, new borns, the classic vampires. None of which fit Dan's description, looks like the real sort of vampire is much different then humans know.

Dan did say that no one in the human world knew about them...

My thoughts where interrupted when I herd a knock on the door.

" Coming" I half yelled and started to run down stairs.

I looked through the peeping hole to see my friend Connor standing there.

That's funny he usually tells me when he's coming over.

I open the door and step aside to let him in.

" Hi Connor! Long time no see. Sorry Dan's not here at the moment it's just me" I told him as I followed him up to the lounge room.

He just silently walked up the stairs. His shoulder looked tense and I noticed his fists where clenched.

Connor is being quiet. Is something wrong?

Connor smiled at me and let me enter the living room first. I smiled at him and stepped in.

" So why am I blessed with your presence C-".

I was cut off when he pinned me against the wall. He was smaller then me but I had never noticed he was this strong. He had one hand over my mouth the other forearm across my chest, he was applying so much pressure that I could hardly breathe.

I saw Connors eyes slowly grow dark, as well as his hair, just like Dan's had.

He's a vampire too

" How much do you know about us!" He half yelled at me, rage in his voice.

He removed his hand for me to answer.

I opened my mouth to speak but I was to shocked for words to come out of my mouth.

" Have you told any other humans!" He pressed on.

I shook my head frantically.
" No! Never-".

" Why!".

I gulped, I had never seen this angry side of Connor. He was acting out of character, what was going on?!

" He told me not to! Made me promise!" I pleaded.

Connor seemed angered by my response. Before I knew it he had gripped me from my shirt collar and flung me across the room. I was to shocked to scream as I hit the wall and landed on the sofa crease, then tumbled to the floor.

I groaned in pain as I rolled over onto my back. My whole left side hurt and it was getting increasingly harder to breathe. I opened my eyes to see the blinding light of the chandelier. I looked around for Connor.

I saw Connor advance towards me. Rage in his features.

" Connor please no-".

I was cut off again.

He didn't waste any time grabbing me by my shirt again and ramming me into the wall. This time he lifted me off the ground. I winced as my side hit the hard surface, pain erupting from my injury.

" When and how did you find out?! TELL ME NOW" his voice boomed in my face.

" I cut my hand" I said holding my bandaged hand up.
" Dan's couldn't control myself and bit me. He told me when I woke up. Made me promise not to tell another soul!".

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