I stopped where the guy was standing and looked around, spinning in a circle to try and see if I could see any sign of him and … nothing. I ran over to the nearby brush and there was no trace of there ever being a guy there, not even foot prints in the soft dirt. It was like he wasn’t even there. Am I going mad or something? Did I imagine the guy standing there? I looked up and down the deserted road and saw no trace of there being anyone recently on the road.

Getting a little freaked out over the situation, I ran back to the car and buckled up, glancing in my rear view mirror as if the guy will magically appear in it.

“What were you looking for?” Lily asked looking back to the spot I just came from.

“Nothing, it’s… nothing.” I said still looking in my rear view mirror as I put the car in drive. Not sure if I was answering her question or just reassuring myself about the guy or lack thereof. He looked so real, he must have been there. Maybe he ran off as soon as i missed him or maybe i over looked him. I took a few deep breaths as I pulled into the kindergarten parking lot.

“See you Lil’s, sorry about scaring you like that on the way here.” I hugged her small body, thanking my lucky stars she didn’t get hurt.

“It’s okay. See you after school.”

I nodded and pulled out of the embrace. “Go on, you’re already late.”

She grabbed her bag and rushed up the stairs and I watched as the door silently swung closed behind her.

I turned back to face the front and pulled away. Was I finally losing it? I was positive I saw a guy standing in the middle of the road. What the hell is happening to me?

Its ever since that accident, they did say that I knocked my head really hard. Maybe that’s it, I had a hard knock now I’m seeing things… that’s just brilliant. Just freaking great, like I don’t have enough on my plate, but maybe this is just a phase, it’ll pass right? I mean it has to right. I can’t go around seeing stuff that isn’t there, but what if that guy was there and he just took off before i could find him and make sure he was okay.

I pulled into my schools parking lot and noticed that nobody was in front, meaning that class had already started. Did I really want to face the masses after what just happened? Face the pity stares and the whispers. I couldn’t pretend that everything was okay, I just didn’t have the strength especially after what just happened.

I pulled out my phone and quickly texted Vicky and Van, saying that I won’t be coming in today and that they shouldn’t worry and I’ll be seeing them tomorrow.

I drove, not really caring in what direction, but somehow when I stopped the car, I found myself in front of the hospital. I sat staring at the place, nothing good came from here, the only memories I have of this place are all bad ones. I slowly got out of the car and walked towards the hospital’s entrance.

I got inside only to wonder why I was here, and then I heard a tiny voice say,

“You’re here… You came back.” I looked over to the little girl and smiled.

Maybe she was the reason I was drawn to this place.

“Hey Anna, how’re you feeling?”

Ethan’s POV

I kept checking the door to see if she was coming. Whole week she was all that everyone talked about. I was still feeling bad for what I had said to here last week, but I knew it had to be done, it’s the only way to keep her safe.

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