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*le gasp* Look at Mari's face! Dun dun DUUUUN!!! JK. Lol! Ok, anyway....
(If you want to listen to the song, forward it to 0:17)

    Marinette couldn't stop crying.

She cried as she ran through the bakery, up the stairs to her room, and when she flopped down on her bed. She cried for a while. Then her phone buzzed. It was a text from Alya.

Al: so how'd it goooo?

          Ma: ...not so good

Al: ...ok. I'm calling you

Her phone rang. Wow. Alya can call really fast. Marinette thought. She looked at the caller. It was...not Alya but...ADRIEN?! Marinette dropped her phone and, being the cinnamon roll she is, she started to freak out.

What should I doooo?!!! Marinette thought. Oh wait, I'll ask Tikki!

Marinette opened her purse and Tikki flew out.

"I heard the whole thing Marinette. I'm sorry." Tikki said.

"Well,' Marinette said 'What would you do if THE PERSON YOU JUST CONFESSED TO CALLED YOU?!" She pointed to her phone like it was a rabid animal.

"Well-' Tikki started.'Oh hey, it's a text from Adrien."

Marinette grabbed the phone and read the text:

Ad: hey mari
Ad: maaaaariiiiiiiii!
Ad: u ok?
Ad: answer meeeeeeeeeee

Ad: mari please stop ignoring me. we need to talk and-

She stopped reading there. She couldn't handle it anymore. She started sobbing and eventually cried herself to sleep.

When she woke up, it was already dark out and Tikki was sleeping beside her. To Marinette, Tikki was her little guardian angel. They had a very strong bond because they'd been fighting crime as Ladybug for 3 years already.

(Yeah, their age-up in this one. By 3 years. So Mari is 17 and Adrien is 18)

Sweet, kind Tikki. Marinette didn't deserve her. Marinette obviously didn't deserve anything. Alya, her parents, Tikki,and Adrien. Marinette felt tears prick her eyes.

No. She thought. No more tears today.

But they came anyway. Swift, silent tears running down her face. She went in the bathroom so as not to wake Tikki.

Mari sighed. Why couldn't life be on her side for once? Oh well, everyone was better off with out her anyway.

(Hey dudes. BTW, this is going to include some depression, self-hurt, and other feels. If you don't wanna read that then skip the rest of the chappie. Thanks and byee!)

Marinette rummaged through her bathroom drawer. She found a razor.

Good enough. She thought.

She put the razor to her wrist. And...made a cut. It was light but it stung like nobody's business.

(BTW, I'm trying not to swear. Just because)

Marinette grimaced as she bit back tears. I'm worthless. She thought as she continued cutting herself. Nothing but a stupid piece of junk.

No wonder Adrien doesn't love me.

And on that depressing note, we end the chapter. Hehe 😅... So sorry if you e nextdidn't like this but it will get better, I promise you. Jeez. This one hit me right in the feels. The next chapter is probably going to be Adrien POV. Please comment on how you think I did.

And, BTW, I'm thinking of making another story. It's going to be a request-a-oneshot sort of thing. So I'm going to write a oneshot then ask you guys to request for which oneshot to write next. Please comment or message me if you think this is a good idea. Thank you all for reading this and supporting me. Love you dudes. BYEEEE!!! 💜💜💜

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