Eather Touched (summoner Fan Fiction)

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Drake's pov:

This is it

the ultimate challenge

"prepare to be Devoured Pie!" i shout holding my fork above my head like a sword, preparing to strike down at the table sized, freshly baked, cinimon apple pie.

stab,stab,stab, "the hell you get those swords from" stab,slash,peck, "Peck?" Shove, Thud!


opening my eyes with a groan, I glare into the seemingly innocent sapphire eyes of my demon "stupid bird why did you have to wake me up at the good part" I wine only to get a "chirp" in response.

"oh, don't you dare take that tone wi-" 'knock knock knock'  "Oi, kid we've arrived so get outta my wagon" the coach said 'well more like yelled at me' before opening the door and dragging me out 'good thing Selena got in my hood before he saw' I thought as the coach threw me on the ground "ouch, you know you could be a lil' nicer to your customers you know" I snap at him while he just snorts and says "welcome to Corcillum kid" before riding off in his wagon. "jerk" I mutter under my breath as I pick myself up and wander into the city.

3 Hours Later:

"aaaaaarrrrrrggggg, where the hell is this stupid school, i've been searching for hours" I shout while walking into a park 'i knew i should have never listened to those creepy magic soldiers, what were they called  summoner's , ya should have never listened to them, at least they were human unlike the shaman's'... i'm dragged out of my thoughts by screams of people seem to be pointing, 'Jeez people here sure are rude I mean its not like they haven't seen a traveler before, though i guess i could kind of understand where they are coming from i mean i would give strange looks too if some random six foot tall man came though the city wearing a black as night cloak with the hood on fire-wait FIRE!'

i jump off the bench i was sitting on and ran towards the pond while ripping the hood from my body and jumping in, when i resurface i find that my cloak was had been turned to ash and a younger Selena sleeping in the ashes.

not having the energy to yell at her i just pick her up and cradle her in my arms " hmpf you stupid Phoenix that was my favorite cloak, well only cloak" I mutter before I walk off toward the city center; but before i could take a step a Nasally voice calls out to me " you stupid brat control your demon" i spine around and find a man with with a rat like face 'hmm i think i'll call him Mr. Cheese' i'm once again brought out of my thoughts when he starts demanding why i'm skipping lessons and rants that i should be in school even though a peasant like me will never amount to anything of something along those lines-wait school " hey Mr. Cheese you know where the mag- er summoner school is right" i say cutting him off mis-sentence or rant or whatever, looking back at him I noticed that he seems redder then before 'maybe he's annoyed that i got lost' "MY NAME IS NOT MR. CHEESE! and it is Professor Rook to you" 'or maybe not' "hahaha sorry Mr.-er Professor Rook i'm supposed to go to the Academy to enroll but i got lost, see here's a letter from General Tuli" I say as i grab the letter from my pack and hand it over to the professor, as he reads the letter he puts on a face as if he just swallowed something bitter "very well follow me commoner" he says to me as he turns around an truges off,I just roll my eyes and follow him.


I do plan on continuing this story after  I'm Finished with my Final's Which well be in about three weeks

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Apr 01, 2014 ⏰

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