I heard my skull crack from the impact and the last thing I thought of was that Tilly will never forgive herself.


I woke up and the first thing I felt was my head and then I lifted my t-shirt to check if my ribs where cracked. I was soaked with sweat, the blankets where twisted all around my limbs and my heart was beating so fast it felt like a drum hammering in my chest.

What the hell was that? Was it a dream? I looked around my empty bedroom and noted that the time read 04:37am. Everything was still the same; I looked down at myself and saw that I still had my clothes on from last night. I quickly grabbed a fresh pair of comfortable clothes and walked out of my room to the bathroom. Everything was quiet; the party must have ended a while ago. I walked into the bathroom and locked the door behind me turning on the light as I entered. The bathroom was a bit of a mess, but that was to be expected after a party, I turned the shower on and got undressed and climbed into the shower.

That had to be a dream right? But it felt so real, like I was actually that Tommy person, like I actually… died. That was definatly the weirdest dream I had ever had.

I never had a dream like that before, it was like I wasn’t even me, it was like I was just thrown into his body. I reached up to feel my head again, to make sure it wasn’t split wide open.

“It felt so real.” I whispered to myself.

I felt nothing, no gapping gash… nothing and lowered my hand, it was just a dream. I sighed in relief.

“It was just a dream.” I muttered to myself and let off a nervous laugh. I hadn’t realized how freaked out I was from that stupid dream.

I sighed and pushed it to the furthest part of my mind. Once I let go of the dream, I could feel the effects from yesterday’s 'fun' start to take over. I felt sick and drained and the slightest movement caused the pounding in my head to intensify.

So this is what it feels like to be hung over… It sucks. Why do people do this? What’s so fun about feeling like a tractor road over you?

I finished showering and got into my comfy pajama bottoms and a tank top, with bed slippers.

I walked downstairs and it looked like a bomb had hit it. There wasn’t anybody lying around, thank goodness, Vicky and Van must have chased them home before turning in for the night.

I started cleaning up the kitchen, and slowly worked my way through the house. I was starting to get hungry and I checked the time holy crap, it’s almost 8am, I’ve been at this for nearly four hours.

Walking into the kitchen to make breakfast, I was nearly done frying the eggs when I heard someone coming down the stairs.

“Morning, want some coffee?” I asked without turning around.

“Sure Lass.” I turned around so fast I nearly threw the eggs out of the pan onto the wall.

“Scott?” I asked looking at him with confusion, “What are you still doing here?”

He smirked at me and said while rubbing the back of his neck, “The names Connor and er… Vicky…and I were…” He trailed off, getting a slight tinged and I took in what he was wearing or lack there of, and realized as I also felt my face heat up.

“Oh… right..er never mind.” I said and turned back to the stove.

“Erm… do you mind putting clothes on? It’s kind of weird having you half naked after you and Vicky… um you know.” I trailed and I noticed the smirk on his face getting slightly bigger.

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