Chapter one

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Sadness clung all around the boy as he was pushed into the center of the room, hands chained behind his back. He looked over the faces before him, all he saw was anger from ten people and heartbreak from four.

His half-brother stood there next to their father, a smug look settled into his features as he held the boy's 'loyal' girlfriend in his arms.

That hurt the most.

It showed that he had lost the war he dreaded the most.

"You shall be banished for your crimes!" The king thunders and the boy's head lowers. Not in guilt, but in betrayal.

He did nothing of the sort, yet they choose his filthy half-brother over him. He the two time savior.

Perceus Jackson felt nothing. He just let them send him away.


He landed in front of his parents apartment only to find police everywhere. Perceus rushes in and is immediately stopped by a police officer.

"Sorry son. You can't go in there." The man told him.

"But I live there!"

The police officer was silent.

"I'm sorry son. Your parents were killed." After that his senses shut down. He couldn't think, see, speak, feel, or hear.


The officer started shaking him but he remained unresponsive. Without a second word, the man took Perceus to his car and drove to the police station.

He managed to find out that the boy's mother had a brother.

Tony fucking Stark.

"Hello? Stark speaking."

"Mr. Stark, I regret to inform you this but, your sister Sally?"

"Yes? What about her?"

"She's dead."


"Her son needs a place to stay. Will you take him in?"




When Percy snapped back into reality, he began to cry. He had lost so much for someone his age, he couldn't take it.

"Hey son, you alright?" The cop from before asks him. Percy lifts his head up.

"No." He managed to croke out with his scratchy voice. The cop turns to the man next to him.

"Go get him some water Alec." The man nods before leaving.

"Your uncle from your mom's side is coming to pick you up. Did you know about him?"

Percy shakes his head. When Tony Fucking Stark walked in.

"Hi. What's going on here?" He asks the officer. The officer gets up from his crouch and shakes hands with Stark.

"Thank you for coming Mr. Stark."

"Well, my sister's dead and where is my nephew?" The officer places a hand on the teary eyed teen.

"Tony Stark, meet Perceus Jackson. Your nephew."

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