meeting..? ~chapter 1~

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~infinity's pov~( i was to lazy to think of a better name for my oc XD so unoriginal)

it was a nice sunny day and me and kiki ( krakikimii's nickname) had just finished up at our job at the blacksmith. " bye mrs. korge! see you tomorrow!" i yelled to her waving  as we walked away. " Bye infinity! bye kiki!" Mrs.korge yelled back waving going back into her shop. " so nity ( dumb nickname for my oc) wanna go train?? we could test how well you got at using your shu-shu(s?)!" kiki asked excitedly. " sure! but one thing..." "yes..?" " RACE YOU THERE!!!!!!!! " i holler as i jump through a neon green portal. 

~ kiki's pov~ 

" RACE YOU THERE!!!!!!!!!!" nity hollered as she jumped through one of her neon green portals ." HEYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!! THATS CHEATING!!!!!!!" yell as i speed off to the clearing as fast as my wings could take me.

~ 3rd pov~ 

as the sisters raced to the clearing a group of familiar people ( and dragon) where heading to the town. ( ps the 3 speacial episodes where adamai leaves WILL NOT BE IN THIS bc i lov adamai to much <3)

~ yugo's pov YAYYYY :D~

we where going through a forest to get to a nearby town that was rumored to have a strange person living there with powers other than the 12." when are we gonna get there....! im so hunggrrrrrrrrrrrrryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!" dally groaned. eva smacked him on the head and mumbled "iop-brain"( that how u spell it?) " dally's right eva! we've been going in circles for HOURSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!" amalia complained. " FINE. yugo, adamai! go in a tree and see how far from the town we are!" eva ordered. me and adamai noded. i started making portals up a high tree and adamai flew up. i looked behind us to see if we missed the town. " hey bro do you see anything over there?" no answer. " adamai?" i turned around to see walls of flames and ice being shot into the air. "oh.." i said my mouth agape ( oooh fancyyy word XD). i jumped off the tree adamai following closely. as soon as i landed i ran in the direction of the fire leaving the others confused but following. " YUGO *pant* WHERE * pant* ARE * pant * WE GOING?!?" dally wheezed. we made it to a clearing and what we saw was mind blowing.


LOL JK!!!!!! 

"DRAGONS?!?!" adamai said shocked. Infront of us where two dragons ( HA! thats what you think yugo :D). they didnt seem to notice us yet , well that was until eva WITHOUT thinking shot an ice arrow at the bigger one that  was shooting both fire and ice. it heard the arrow coming and jumped out of the way. it started growling as it spun arround to face us. " oh crap!" ruel said ( LOL that doesn't realy sound like something ruel would say sorry XD) then it did something that surprised us... it morphed.. into.." A GIRL?!??!" dally yelled. 

~ infinity's pov ~ 

 me and kiki were training with my twin fire and ice dragon shu-shu when suddenly a ice arrow was shot at me i dodged it and spun around growling to see who my attacker or attackers where. then i saw a group of unfimiliar people , a cra, sadida, iop, tofu, enutrof, dragon and a boy who looked like me. i de-morphed from my shu-shu form. and took out my twin katanas ( imma use that to shorten twin fire and ice dragon katanas XD) " WHO ARE YOU?" I roared at them.

~ yugo's pov ~ 

the girl took out two katanas pointed one at me and yelled " WHO ARE YOU?!?" i stayed silent. then she did something unexpected .. she USED A PORTAL?!? she held a katana to my neck glared at me " I SAID WHO ARE YOU?" as everyone stood there frozen dally was the first to react he lashed out at the girl. she barely gave him a glance before portaling  to him and slashing at him fast as lightning. dally was taken back at her speed. then the rest of us ( exept ruel bc he lazy like me XD) - coming out of our trance of shock - came to help him. amalia grew vines and that rapt(?) around her feet to hold her down , eva shot her with fire arrows, i shot my portal lazers, dally slashed at her in shu-shu form , and adamai shot fire at her. smoke filled around us blocking our view of the girl. we all where panting but smiling thinking we won.NOPE! we heard the girl shout" BYE THE TWIN FIRE AND ICE  DRAGON SHU-SHU I CALL TO  YOU  TO FIGHT! " ( idk :/)  we heard a loud roar and the girl was once again a dragon..? ' how does she do that.??' and as if he was answering my question with his eyes wide " she ... she is a shu- shu gardian.. like me!" dally yelled. "WHAT?!?" we ally yelled before being knocked unconscious.


OK THAT WAS THE FIRST CHAPPIE!876 words! not bad am'iright? :DDD i HOPE u guys enjoyed it! 

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