Tutor Part {2} - Stiles Stilinski

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After school, you went straight to your car and happily drove home. You didn't have to worry about your parents as they were basically never home, your dad was on a business trip in London and your mom was in South America visiting some family.  Your parents weren't coming home for another 2 weeks but this was absolutely normal for you, you were used to this.

It was 3:30 pm and you arrived at your empty home. You dug around your bag to try to find your house keys. After two minutes of failure, you finally found your keys and entered your house. You closed your door and started jogging up the stairs to your room. You dropped your bag at the end of your bed and you went to your drawers to try and find something more comfortable to wear. Once you found your typical grey sweatpants and your black tank top, you strolled into your bathroom and changed. When you finished, you looked at yourself in the mirror and nodded in satisfaction, you scrambled into your bed and laid your head on the headboard, then you lifted your laptop up to your stomach. Then of course, you went on Tumblr, just like any other day.

3 and a half hours fly by and a bell ringing struck you out of your focus on Tumblr. "What?! It's been 3 hours? Jesus fucking Christ!" you exclaimed while clambering out of your bed and making your way to the front door. You open it and Stiles' mouth opens slightly and his eyes widen as well. "Hey, are you okay?" you asked. "Y-yeah absolutely, absolutely fine." He replied. You open the door even wider and gesture him to go in. "Is it just you here?" Stiles asked while looking at you in concern. "Yeah, just me, my parents are away for a while and won't be coming back for another couple weeks, but I like it, it's nice and peaceful." You say while smiling.

"Come on, let's go!" you say while grabbing his arm and jogging up the stairs to your room while Stiles was glancing at the family photos on the way. You finally reach your bedroom and you both le on your stomachs on your bed. Stiles reaches in his bag and searches for something, well, I mean, it looked like he was. "Um, yeah, c-can we- "Stiles began. "Share my Spanish textbook?" you interrupted. "Wow, yeah, how did you know?" Stiles chuckled. "Well, let's see, one year in Spanish sitting next to you." You laughed as you playfully narrowed your eyes at him. "Seriously, that many times? I really need to be more organised and stop wasting my time watching TV Shows, except Supernatural, never gonna stop watching that." You look at the duvet and reply, "Please, never stop watching it, probably the best show ever." You were too busy looking at the duvet to notice that Stiles was staring at you with complete adoration.

"Okay, so, what are you struggling most?" you asked. "Well, to be honest," he began while rubbing the back of his neck with his hand. "Basically everything...". You quietly sigh and look at him. "That's alright, we can just start with the basics, like what we had to do on the exam?" you offered. "Yeah that sounds great, so, we have to do the whole test? I knew I shouldn't have done a Star Wars marathon the night before." He cursed. "Come on, I'm sure you didn't do that bad, you normally do amazing in class." You compliment while giving him a reassuring smile.

"Okay, let's start with family, ¿Cuantos personas tiene en tu familia?" you ask. "Solo tengo dos personas, soy un hijo unico and tengo un padre, m-mi madre... mi..." he stopped and you saw tears forming in his honey brown eyes. "You don't have to talk about your mom. It's okay." You feel your eyes tearing up as well. You cup his cheek and rub away all the tears that had rolled down his cheek with your thumb, rubbing it back and forth. Stiles presses his cheek against your hand and smiles slightly at you. "You know; you did the Spanish perfectly. You did great." You both smile at each other and you lay your head on his shoulder.

Stiles puts a finger under your chin and lifts it to face you, he suddenly presses his lips against yours. Your eyes shut closed and you feel a pool of butterflies fluttering in your stomach, you instinctively put an arm around his neck to deepen the kiss a bit more. Stiles tangles his fingers in your long hair and you break the kiss for air. Stiles smirks at you, "I've wanted to do that for so long..." you grin. "How long?" you asked. "Start of the school year, first Spanish lesson. I used the textbook excuse so I could talk to you." You laughed, "Why couldn't you just say 'hi'?". Stiles furrowed his brows, "Good point.". you both smile and he leans in for another kiss. For once, you were grateful that your parents weren't home.

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