"I love you" - Stiles Stilinski

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"Y/N! WHERE THE HELL IS SHE?! YN?!!" Stiles screamed as he ran through the hospital frantically trying to find his best friend. Scott had called him and told him that you were involved in an intense accident and Stiles immediately made his way to find you. Scott heard his screaming and quickly stood up from his seat, meeting Stiles halfway down the crowded hallway. "Scott, please! Where is she?!" Stiles shouted trying to look over Scott's shoulder to try to find you. Scott kept his hands on his shoulders to keep Stiles from disturbing you while you tried to get your rest. "She needs to rest, Stiles. Let her rest. The nurse is going to call us when she's able to have visitors. We have to wait, okay?" Scott said calmly as he sat Stiles down. "How long is this going to take, Scott?" Stiles asked as he wiped his tears from under his eyes and some tears escaped his fingers and ran down his flushed cheeks.

After 4 hours Stiles was still sitting in the waiting room outside your room, constantly checking in on you from your window and repeatedly asking your nurse if he could quickly visit you, only for 5 minutes and repeatedly being answered 'no' or 'you have to wait until she wakes'. Scott was falling asleep in the waiting room and Stiles told him to go get some sleep and he would call him when you awoke but Scott insisted he would wait with him. Most of the time, Stiles would just pace around the halls of the hospital thinking of all the things he had regretted. Like how he was totally in love with you and as been for the past 3 years, if you didn't survive, he wouldn't have been able to tell you. His one and only regret.

Y/N's awake, you can go see her. Just be gently and quiet, she's still a bit sensitive to loud sounds from the accident" the nurse said softly. Stiles jumped up from his seat and he knocked on the door, making sure he could come in but knowing you, he knew you would've immediately allowed him to come in anyway. "Come in" you said softly not knowing who was on the other side of the door. Stiles opened the door and you furrowed your brows. "Are you in the right room?" you asked curiously not recognising who the teenager was. "Come on, Y/N. You can stop with the jokes now." he laughed relieved that you were okay.

"I'm sorry but I have no idea who you are or how you know my name but can you please leave before I scream for help." you slowly sat up in your bed and gripped on your thin blanket tighter within each second that passed. "Y/N-" Stiles stepped forward and you started screaming. "PLEASE! SOMEONE HELP ME! HE'S TRYING TO HURT ME!!" a few nurses ran into your room and dragged Stiles out, asking him questions in the hallway and one nurse stood by your bed asking if you were okay or if you knew the guy who was dragged out of your room. No, you were not okay. No, you had no idea who he was but he knew who you were and you didn't know how. You asked for a nurse for more information about the boy and all she said was that he claimed to be your best friend and it hit you, you couldn't remember if you had a best friend, you couldn't remember anything, not one thing.

You calmed down after a while but you were mostly just curious. If the boy and his other friend say their your friend, why can you only recognise the name, only the name. You slowly asked if you could talk to the both of them and if you could get any answers from them.

Stiles and Scott walked into your room and sat down next to your bed. "I'm sorry I freaked out before. I-I just panicked." you looked down as you were fiddling with your fingers. "We asked if a doctor could give you tests and check ups for you, we are your best friends but you don't seem to remember anything. We know there is something that isn't right but we also want your permission for this."  you nodded your head and sniffled, you were so confused about everything but you couldn't do anything about it, you felt so alone. "Yeah, sure. That would be fine, I just need answers, I have no idea what the hell is wrong with me but I want to find out." you looked at Stiles and he did nothing but wipe away the tears that tried to escape his brown eyes and you couldn't help but feel responsible for everything that had happened, though you didn't know what that was.

*2 hours later*

You did tests, so many tests and the two boys waited for it to end. Throughout the whole process, your heart was beating out of your chest, I mean, you were pretty sure the people in the waiting room could hear it. You attempted to relax in your bed, wanting time to go faster but you were shaken out of your daydream when your doctor knocked on your hospital door with what you thought were your test results.

You sat up straight in your bed and tugged at the sleeves of your gown and the doctor stood at the end of your bed. "We called in your friends back-" he looked through the different pages. "They're not my friends, I've never met them before." you stared at the two boys standing by your door. "Now you see, there's a reason why you may believe you have never met them before. You suffer from amnesia, your accident caused it and it may not be severe and you will be able to remember everything if you surround yourself with your friends and maybe try to spend time with them. It will probably trigger your brain and help you gain back all your memories." you sniffled slightly and nodded your head. "You'll be alright kiddo, trust me." your doctor added and he turned round to made his way back out the door.

When he left the room, you broke down into tears, all those tears you had been holding back came out, flooding your eyes making your vision unclear. You felt strong arms wrap around your body and you glanced up to see who was hugging you but instead you just flung your own arms around him. "Thank you, Stiles." you muffled into his now soaked shirt. "Anything for you, Y/N/N." you chuckled and slowly let go of the boy. "I'm guessing that was my nickname? cute." Stiles formed a little smile and glanced back at Scott who was still standing by the door. You patted the space next to your bed and told Scott to come over instead of just standing there and he did exactly what you asked.

After 3 days of leaving the hospital, you spent all that time with Scott and Stiles and their friends. They took you to the beach, all of their houses, the school, the lake house. Literally everywhere but nothing worked, not a single memory came back and within every passing day, you kept losing hope and faith.

You agreed to go to Stiles' house after having dinner with the 'pack' as Stiles wanted to talk to you. You obviously didn't mind and you were on your way back to his place. You both sat in the Jeep and the radio was playing quietly in the background. "I'm sorry." he quickly glanced back at you. "For what? Yu have nothing to be sorry for." you stared out the window and you were picking at your thumbs. "I can't remember anything and I can tell it's driving you insane." you sniffled and looked at Stiles as he kept his focus on the road. "Now, that's not your fault, it's okay if you can't remember. We'll just have to keep trying." he stretched out his hand from the wheel and placed it on top of yours and squeezed your hand. "We'll figure it out together." you smiled at him and leaned your head on his shoulder. Stiles watched as you looked at the sky outside and he kissed your head and returned his focus back to the road.

Once you made it to his house, you followed after Stiles as he opened the door and motioned you inside. Before you could do or say anything, you were pushed up against a wall and he pressed his lips against yours. Stiles moaned as you put an arm around his neck and pulled the ends of his hair. "I love you, Batman." you said between kisses. All the memories came flooding in, all your feelings for this boy mostly and all you wanted to do was kiss him and make him yours. You didn't want to lose the opportunity once again. "I love you too, Y/N/N. I'm sorry if that was all sudden but I just couldn't wait any longer." " Me too."

Stiles And Dylan One Shots - Book 1Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora