Soundwave's Secrets

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((A/N: I know... A long time before I updated this, but it's finally here! Hope you guys like it, and review to let me know what you think!!))

"We can't stay here!!"

Starscream's insistent screeching was getting on his nerves now, and Soundwave turned towards him so that his face was nearly touching the narrow one of the other Decepticon, rusty-colored eyes narrowed behind the dark sunglasses he sported. "Say another word about it and I will break your arms."

Staring up at Soundwave, Starscream quickly backed down, looking away in order to depress the building tension, Knockout watching from directly behind though he made no interference whatsoever.

Satisfied, Soundwave turned away from the other to continue up the walk to stop directly outside the door, hands searching his pockets for several moments before he mumbled a few curses and lifted a hand to knock.

Knockout and Starscream flanked behind the taller male, seemingly unperturbed by the situation, fitting into their assigned roles very well. Soundwave had instructed them on how he expected that they behave, and they seemed to at least be doing as he'd told them. Hopefully it would stay that way.

Footsteps sounded on the other side of the door as whoever was inside approached, Soundwave easily sensing the increased tension from both of his current companions as the door opened to reveal a rather beautiful woman. Black hair curled around either side of her face; large, almond-shaped eyes lit up at the sight of them.


The left corner of Soundwave's lips twitched as he opened his arms to welcome the young woman into them, holding her tightly as she began to cry, clinging to him like a young child that had finally been reunited with their parent after several years.

Soundwave hung onto the young woman as she cried, completely ignoring the confusion on his comrade's faces. His sole focus was the crying human, Soundwave turning his face to press it against the soft flesh of her neck, placing a gentle trail of kisses there while he waited for her to calm down.

"I-I thought you weren't going to be b-back? Not until October?" The woman finally calmed enough to form the words as she pushed back, looking up at the brown haired decepticon before finally seeming to notice the other two. "Oh, I'm so sorry!" She announced, slightly embarrassed.

Clearing his throat, Soundwave turned towards the two stunned men behind him, one arm wrapped around the woman's shoulders. "Hezekiah and Mikael, this is my wife, Sofía Esquivel."

A wide grin spread over Knockout's face, he being the first to recover from the shock of Soundwave's announcement. "A pleasure, Mrs. Esquivel. Mikael Tangreen." He stated charmingly, dipping his head. Starscream only gave a nod of acknowledgement. At least he was acting more like a special agent.

"My men and I have an assignment in the area. We need a place to work out of." Soundwave said as he looked down at Sofía, then around at the street around them, jerking his head towards the house.

Realization dawned on Sofía's face before she turned towards the house, motioning for them to come inside, quietly shutting the door behind them. "Raf! Come and see who's here!" She called up the stairs.

Footsteps sounded overhead, and both Starscream and Knockout were awestruck at the wide grin plastering itself across Soundwave face as a familiar boy appeared at the top of the stairs.

Raf looked down over the railing before he saw the tall, brown haired man, dressed in a suit with dark sunglasses. His face practically lit up before he took off down the steps, jumping them two at a time until he was in Soundwave's arms.

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