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Philadelphia. I'm not sure what forced my mom to even think of naming me that, but I've been going with it for 24 years now. I've written a total of 5 books so far and I've become very successful. I've always enjoyed writing. It's become pretty much a hobby for me.

Back in high school all I ever did was write stories. When I was supposed to be listening in Physics, I would be writing another chapter to my thriller that is currently out right now. I didn't do well in school, and my parents are ashamed of that, but hey. I make hundreds and thousands off my work. So I don't think they can complain much.

Back when I was 13, I met the love of my life. His name is Damien. Damien Williams to be exact. We are still going strong to this day. We've talked about marriage many of times. But right now we are both very busy with our careers so we are in chill mode.

"Philly." I hear Damien softly call out my name. I grin and turn around and he surprises me with a kiss.

"Are you still working on books?!" He rolls his eyes playfully and bites his lip. "Come cuddle with me. You've been writing all morning baby."

I save my progress and take off my glasses. "You're right."

I get out of the computer chair and I slip out of my house shoes. I have been working all morning. I have to finish this sequel before noon. But it can wait.

Damien grabs my waist and kisses my forehead. "I want to feed you fruit and give you a massage baby." He whispers in my ear. I blush a little. Even after 12 years, he could still make my heart swoon.

I remember the day we got together. He was so shy and he gave me a rose. He told me he loved me too fast, but he was so charming and lovely, I went with it. I've never cheated on him, and he hasn't thought of cheating on me. He had always told me, I'm the woman of his dreams.

As he tilts my head up to kiss me, his phone buzzes. He smacks his plump lips and looks at the phone. He eyes go big and he answers it.

As I open my mouth to ask who is calling him, he lifts his index finger to his mouth and walks away. I lift my eyebrow in suspension. This is the 6th time this has happened.

Don't trip Philadelphia. Maybe it's a important business call? Yeah. That's it. He would never ever cheat on me... right???

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