Missed calls

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Lau tried to forget about last night, he was tired of all the stress and talk about starting a family. He just wanted to have fun for one day before he came back to reality. He arrived at "Le Clinq" parking close to the front door. He made his way inside to be seated near the back. The waitress asked him what he wanted to drink. He asked for a glass of water sitting his menu down waiting for Jen. The longer he waited for her the more guilty he felt but he just swallowed it back down with his water. It had been 10 minutes now and no sign of Jennifer. He started to feel awkward sitting there by himself. He was almost sure the waitress was on her way back to ask for his order. He went to get his phone out of his pocket but it was still sitting in the passenger seat of his car. Another 10 minutes passed. He decided he was going to leave soon. He thought this was a sign that what he was doing was wrong, until he glanced at the door seeing a beautiful brown female with long wavy hair. Her body was curved so perfectly he couldn't take his eyes off of her. His glance turned into a stare until she walked up to him leaning over for a hug. "Hey Lau, sorry I'm late" she said with a sincere voice. He was speechless. How could he forget about someone this beautiful! "Uh sit, don't worry it's okay." He said still looking at her beauty. Her smile was bright and beautiful and her lips, he loved her lips, they were plump and glossy. He was so mesmerized he didn't even realize she was talking. "huh?" he said coming back to reality. "I said, do you remember the last time we went out?" He didn't want to tell the truth so he lied for the 100th time that day, "Of course I do. How could I ever forget" She looked at him smiling. After they were done eating they had agreed to meet up again soon. He had never had an entire conversation without someone bringing up having a family in a while, and he was enjoying it. They made their way outside hugging once more and getting into their cars. When Lau got into his car he looked on the passenger seat to get his phone. He pressed the home button seeing that Jess had called multiple times. He rolled his eyes throwing the phone back down. What he didn't know was that his lie wasn't adding up. He had told Jess that him and Larry were going to work on some music, but Jess had called Larry soon after he left, she couldn't help but ask if him and Larry were really going to work on music. When she heard Larry deny Lau's plans, she was pissed.She was going to make him feel the way she felt

What will Jess do to get Lau back?

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I will be updating and adding chapters frequently!❤️❤️

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