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"...come with me Jess if you really want to be happy!!" He was standing by the window watching the cars go by as he poured his heart into this one phone call. He felt some type of way since Jessica was completely silent. He waited a couple seconds until he heard someone clear their throat behind him. He quickly turned around hanging the phone up immediately. He was angry he didn't get to hear Jess' response, but that was the least of his worries. "Uhh... baby how long have been standing there?!" Larry started to walk towards her. Mel was standing in the doorway with a scared look on her face. Her face answered his question for him. "Listen babe..." Larry grabbed her waist trying to explain himself. She put her hands on his wrist moving him off of her. She took one step back feeling tears develop. "I...can't believe you Larry..." she put her hand over her mouth as the tears rolled past her knuckles connecting back to her chin. ".... with Jessica tho?!" She took another step back looking at him like he was monster. Larry kept reaching for her the more she backed away. "Baby listen..." she kept backing away. "NO!!.. Don't fucking touch me! Your a sick piece of shit!..." she said pointing at him turning around slowly. She started walking to the stairs tears still coming down her face. Larry stopped chasing after her and just stood there speechless. She stood at the bottom of the stairs turning around looking back up at Larry. "How can you do this to me?! You know what...fuck me... how the fuck can you do this to your brother!!" Those words hit Larry like a truck. He felt a lump in his throat preventing him from replying. He looked up at the ceiling trying not to get emotional. He felt guilty but he kept trying to remind himself he was right. "That's fucked up Larry and you know it..." she said putting her jacket and shoes on. "... I'm going to tell him too!!" She reached for her keys and purse opening the door. Larry flew down the stairs trying to stop her from leaving. "NOO!! Don't tell him!! You don't have to do that!!come on!! Mellissa!!" She was already in her car. The windows were up and his voice pounded against them. Her mind was set on one thing and one thing only.

Mel's going to tell Lau!!😱😱😱

Sorry guys I still am going to do one more chapter. I just thought I would explain why Larry hung up on Jessica.❤️❤️❤️

Love you guys!!! Vote if you want book 2!! There's way more drama!!!😊😊😊

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