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Laurent woke up to the sweet melody coming from his phone that was placed on the nightstand next to his King sized bed. He tapped the snooze button laying his soft Afro back on the pillow. He tossed and turned trying to go back to sleep but something inside just wouldn't let him. He turned onto his right side facing away from the nightstand. He saw a beautiful female with hair bigger than his. Soft golden brown curls that drowned her pillow. Soft vanilla shoulders covered by a heavy blanket. "Jessica?" He thought to himself. "I don't remember bringing her here." All he could remember was drinking and dancing at the club with Larry and Mellissa the night before.He thought Jessica was still in Germany and was going to board her flight to Paris today. "I was probably drunk." He thought cursing at himself while he slid the blankets off slowly not trying to wake her. He took gentle steps grabbing his phone and a towel going down the hallway to take a shower. After he was done he stepped out and wrapped the towel around his waist heading back down the hallway to his room. He opened the door slowly still assuming Jess was sleeping, but he opened the door to see her getting dressed. He walked over to where he set his clothes out and got dressed as well. The room was completely silent until Lau spoke softly. "Do you remember anything from last night?" He said not looking up from what he was doing. "How could I forget." She said with a smirk. "All the sweet things you told me and promised me." Lau stopped and looked up. "Like?" She walked over to him still just wearing a bra and some shorts. She looked up into his warm chocolate eyes that seemed sincere about the question. She looked at him with a concerned look. "So, you don't remember what happened last night? What you said?" Now she looked hurt. "I guess it was all a lie then. Just another drunk night filled with hopes that one day we could have a family." She said holding back her emotions.She walked back over to her side of the bed grabbing her shirt and slipping it on. Lau was speechless. all he could do was try his best to remember what happened, but after leaving the club it was all a blur. He finally mustered up the strength to speak. "I'm sorry Jess, I was drunk I have no idea what I said, but can we talk about this later I have to go out and get Mel something." She agreed knowing that Melissa's birthday was tomorrow and that they would all go to Disney. Laurent walked out the room wearing white jeans and a flannel. While he was walking he felt guilty because he just lied to Jess. He didn't really want to go out and get a present he already did a while ago. He just wanted to get away from her, and all the talk about a family. He just wanted to have fun, but she wanted to settle down. He couldn't do that just yet. After he went downstairs and grabbed his keys his phone started vibrating in his pocket. It was just the alarm he snoozed earlier. He went through checking his texts seeing who would want to go out and have fun. He came up across a name that read "Jen". He couldn't remember who she was or what she looked like, but for her to be in his phone she must have been gorgeous. So he tapped her name and typed up a message. "Hey Jen I miss you! We should go hangout today. Meet me at "Le Clinq" maybe we could have some fun together." he pressed send and put his phone back in his pocket. He yelled back up to Jess. "I'll be back late, I'm gonna meet up with Larry to work on some music okay?" She agreed and off he went to destroy any chance of easily starting a family with her, he just didn't know it yet. He got in his car feeling a another vibration in his pocket. He pulled his phone back out to see that Jen had agreed to meet with him in 30 minutes. He put his phone in the passengers seat and pulled off not seeing Jess at the door watching.

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I will update and add more chapters frequently!❤️

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