이십 삼

653 39 17

"Tae?" My voice speaks through my mobile device.

"Yes, Jungkook?"

"Get ready, we have to be at the cafetaria in 30 minutes. Your brother wants to tell us something."

"Okidoki! See you soon."

The line dies and I get ready too. I get into my car, and drive off to pick up Taehyung.

After a while he skips his way to my car, too. I smile and kiss his cheek. "Hey baby." He giggles and takes my hand as we drive off. "Hey kookie~~"


We reach the cafetaria, and I lead Taehyung inside, ordering us a drink as Yoongi and Jimin didn't arive yet.

"Thankies, Kookie!" I nod and smile at him. "No problem."

'I'd seriously cut a bitch if someone hurts this precious human being.'

Not much later Yoongi stumbles into the cafe, holding the hand of a orange haired boy, his head hanging low.
'Must be Jimin.'

I see how Taehyung uncomfortably shifts in his chair, and I take place next to him, in stead of across him.

Yoongi notices us, and leads Jimin to our place.

"Hey guys." He speaks while sitting down, Jimin following him.

"Hey, Yoongi." I speak back, glancing at Jimin.

Somehow my blood is boiling. I'm right across the man who tried to kill Taehyung, my precious friend and Yoongi's brother.

Taehyung pulls on my sleeve softly, and I place my hand on his thigh, he then swiftly takes my hand, squeezing it softly.

"So.. you're Jimin?" I ask, my voice low and cold.

The orange male nods and dares to look at me for a tiny second.

Yoongi clears his throath and looks at me. "So.. there's this thing Jimin wanted to tell you.."

I look back at Yoongi and frown, then turning my attention back at Jimin.

"It better be good information because my blood is boiling at the moment, Jimin." I growl low, Taehyung squeezing my hand once again.

Jimins eyes go a little wider at my words, and he seems to look for support from Yoongi. But Yoongi doesn't move one muscle.

Jimin sighs and opens his mouth, his voice shivering as he starts to talk.

"I-I.. Taehyung.."

This time it's my turn to squeeze his hand. As soon as he speaks out his name, I feel like protecting him. Taehyung twitches slighly and looks up to Jimin, making eye contact.

"I-I'm so sorry, Taehyung.. I swear I would never want you dead.. I promise, please.. forgive me."

I almost grin at his words. "You serious?" I ask, a mean smirk covering my face.

"You fucking shot him you asshole. Who the fuck do you think you are, after 7 years, returning to apologize to him? You're a freak. Stay away from him." I speak loudly, my heart pounding fast and some veins popping out on my arms because of the blood pressure.

"No-no.. p-please listen.." Jimin stutters as I stand up, ready to leave.

"Jungkook.. please..?" Taehyung huffs, pulling my sleeve, getting me back into my seat. I stare at Taehyung for a second, and then at Yoongi, before I turn back to Jimin.

"I'll tell you what you have to do, to save aswell yourself, Taehyung and Yoongi, Jungkook." He speaks, his voice almost gone.

"T-there's this man, Jung Hoseok.. who I used to work for." He starts.

"He.. uhm. Abused me, and Taehyung.." I twitch and look at Taehyung, his face red while he looks away. Worry spreads over my face and I look back at Jimin. "Go on."

"Hoseok is hopelessly in love with Yoongi, but doesn't wants to accept that.. uhm. Yoongi loves me. That's why he wanted to eliminate everyone who Yoongi cares about, so he would have to come to him."

I frown, not believing my what I'm told. "What the-"

"I-I used to be jealous of Taehyung, because he could be with Yoongi twenty four - seven, and I couldn't. That's why I accepted to try and kill Taehyung for a lot of money. But I swear I would never kill someone out of jealousy." Jimin adds, finishing his talk.

I sigh and look at my hand on Taehyungs thigh. "And I see I have to fix this mess?"

Jimin nods, guilt filling his eyes. I indeed can't believe someone as soft and smol as him could ever kill someone.

"Do you have any idea how?" I ask.

Jimin throws his gaze to Taehyung, who seems to understand what he means. I frown at the action.

"Yeah," Jimin looks at me. "We know."

(A/N It's coming to an end im sobbing-)

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