열 여섯

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"Taehyung.." I whisper, almost dying in my tears. "G-get C-clos-ser." He weakly speaks, making me shiver at his low voice.

I shuffle myself closer to him, sitting down on his bed like every other time when I'd come to visit him.

Taehyung carefully moves in his sheets, looking at me, his eyes half closed. "Taehyung.. I'm.. I-I'm so sorry.. if I was only just on time.." I sigh, but Taehyung shakes his head weakly, placing his finger onto my lips.

I shiver again, and lock my eyes with Taehyungs. He smiles at me, and I try my best not to break down in tears again.

It happens anyway.

Taehyung softly laughs as I rest my head on his chest, tears wetting his bedsheets once again. His hand goes through my hair. And he makes me feel so fucking safe..

Suddenly there's a gasp from Yoongi. "H-he's dead.."

I jerk my head up,  looking at Taehyung, but he's not dead. I exhale but frown. "Who is, Yoongi..?"


"What do you mean..?"

"If Taehyung is awake, Jimin is dead."

"I don't get it."

"It's Jung Hoseok."


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