"Yes, his sister! Believe it or not Manny, but the girl likes me. She has good taste," I said arrogantly.

"So does Karter," he winked, making me hit him again. Bastard.

He started laughing again, but stopped upon seeing my deadly expression. "Fine, fine I'll stop."

Thank god!

"But you have to let me pick out your outfit for your date babe."

"Manny!" I gasped, making him laugh again. I was so going to kill this guy. "You're such an ass!"

"I'm a dream ass. People pay to have asses like me," he teased.

The boys and a few girls suddenly screamed, jumping up as they scored a touch down cheering their team on.

Manny swore realizing he missed it. I gave him a smirk. Serves him right.


I applied one last coat of lipstick before kissing a napkin. I checked my teeth for stains before checking myself out in the mirror. I kept my look simple. I really didn't know what Karter had planned for Harley's birthday. I had light makeup on, loose curls, and a white romper with a floral design on it paired with some sandals. It was a simple look, just a little more makeup than I usually wore to school.

"Livia," Jared nagged from downstairs. "Are you done yet?"

"Yes! Coming!" I called out. I sprayed some perfume before running downstairs. Jared was leaning against the wall, twirling the car keys around his finger as he skimmed through his phone.

"Finally," he said not looking up from his phone. Of course, Jared was only going to drop me off because he had the car as usual.

"Do you think I can come on this birthday date with the family?" Jared asked from the driver's seat.

"Ha, Maddy didn't invite you? Sucks. Maddy and I are going to have so much fun together today," I teased watching him grow angry.

"That's going to change soon. My plan will work," he reminded me of his little plan. How on earth was I going to convince Karter to let Jared go out with his sister? There was no way on earth he was going to give anyone the chance to hurt his family. Not after everything they've been through.

"Yeah..." I said nervously. His plan was so doomed. I was so doomed.

I directed Jared to Karter's house where he parked outside. I went to knock on the door, but it opened before I got the chance. Madeline stood at the end of the door with an excited look in her eyes. Of course, she looked as effortlessly beautiful as usual. She had a camera around her neck.

"Hey Livia, Karter's inside," she nodded in the direction of their living room before she peered over my shoulder at Jared in the car. I quickly swept by her, giving her and my brother the privacy they needed following the sound of Harley's shrieking laughter. I followed it to the living room to find Harley thrown over Karter's shoulder.

"Do you give up?" Karter asked.

"No!" She squeeled.

Karter threw her on the couch and blew raspberries on her stomach as she burst into laughter. He pulled his head up, asking her again. "Do you give up?"

Dealing with KarterМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя