The Shane Gang Is Back In Action

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"Look who we just got back," Eli said "NO," The Emperor said. "The eastern champion, he mastered slug fu but i can take him on." "Try and," Junjie said. 

Just at that moment Tad shot Piper and Eli shot Burpy. Eli concentrated and connected his thoughts with Burpy. Burpy then formed a fire ball in his mouth and Eli did the same and a fireball formed in his hand. "The final stage of Slug fu," Li-an said. "How is this possible," Kord asked. "Well, the bond between Eli  and Burpy has become stronger and they have almost become one," Li-an said. "Oh I See," Kord replied. "You have no idea what i said do you," Li-an asked. " Nope not a clue," Kord replied. Within this short conversation Eli and Burpy had released their fire balls and they combine to make one large fireball and hit piper. she smashed to the ground and turned back into a slug. "Piper are you alright," Tad asked his slug. " You will pay for this." " Dude, Its not my fault you shot her," Eli said as Burpy landed on his shoulder. "Just as a grimmstone was shot at him "Run, Sweety," Trixie said. Eli hid  with Trixie.

"Eli, Slugterra is going to end at this rate,"she said. "Trixie, I won't let that happen," Eli said. "What are you going to do," Trixie asked. "Tell my dad i loved him and today could be my last day with him," Eli said. "Don't," Trixie was cut off with Eli's finger put on her lips. "NO," Eli said. 

Eli smashed his lips against Trixie's his final kiss was beyond thinkable Trixie didn't want it to end she wanted this to end all of this."One more minute," she thought. But Eli departed from the kiss and ended it. "My kiss goodbye," Eli said  

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