Magcon in Virgina

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(Karalyne's POV)

Me and Shawn were driving back to the house and I haven't got that much sleep in the last week so I decided to sleep before we get there. I finally fell asleep and not much later I was carried into the house by Shawn into my room. He tucked me in and kissed the top of my forehead. "Love you Karalyne." he said to me and I instantly smiled. "I just wish you were my daughter...*sighs*," he says under his breath and I heard him and honestly I felt the same way. I love him so much and he treats me better than Cameron, to be honest, and he has completely forgotten about me because he is always too busy with the slutty witch (Bailey). I finally fell asleep for a little bit until I woke up to people yelling and things breaking. I ran down the stairs without tripping and went into the living room to see Shawn and Dad fighting. The boys were pulling each of them away from each other. I ran in the middle of it and then everything went black.

(Shawn's POV)

I went downstairs to Cameron and Bailey on the couch together. "Hey Cam can I talk to you?" I asked him. "Yeah what's up Shawn?" as he said getting up and walking into the kitchen. "Well, you know how Karalyne has been in the hospital for past 2 days?" I asked him. "Yes I remember Shawn." he said back. "Well, the reason she been in the hospital for 2 days is because your girlfriend in there hates Karalyne and is trying to kill her every advantage she gets and you are not noticing it, like the other night when she fell from the cliff she was kidnapped by her old dad and BAILEY was abusing her, and yesterday we were where they took her and Bailey came out of nowhere and had a knife in her hand, Bailey was going to stab me but Karalyne got in front of me and stabbed her instead, and when she was in the hospital she died but, I brought her back to life and when she woke up she was crying because you weren't there to comfort her when she needed you." I said to him and he just stood there with no expression on his face. "Bailey would never do that to her, but Karalyne has been acting like a brat tbh and she is a little a** lately too." he said about Karalyne and I flipped. I punched Cameron straight in the face making his head go back. "NEVER TALK ABOUT YOUR DAUGHTER LIKE THAT OR WE ARE GOING TO HAVE SOME PROBLEMS!" I yelled at him and was getting angrier and angrier. Cameron shot back up and punched me back and before we knew it we were both fighting each other and the boys trying to pull us apart. Karalyne came downstairs and came in the middle of us I tried to push her before anything happened to her but, I was too late and Cameron accidentally punched her as hard as he could in the face. She blacked out and Cameron stood there embarrassed about what he just did and realized he has f***ed up this whole time. "Karalyne are you okay?" I asked her but she was out cold. I looked at Cameron and just glared at him. I could tell he felt really bad because he left the room and tried not to cry. I picked up Karalyne and took her to her room and laid her down because it was like 10 at night. After I sat her down she opened her eyes. "Shaw- Oww" she said and I turned around and saw she had a bloody nose and her nose looked really swollen. "I'm right here Karalyne." I told her and she hugged me. "H-h-h-he punched me Shawn." she said whimpering. "I know and he didn't mean to, he was trying to punch me but, he didn't notice you were in the middle and he punched you instead of me." I told her and she nodded her head. "Shawn come here let me clean you up okay?" she asked me and I nodded my head and let her clean me up it kinda stung so I gritted my teeth and she chuckled a little bit. After she was done I picked her up and threw her over my shoulder and she giggled all the way to her room. I laid her down and tucked her in, "Shawn come cuddle with me pleaseeee" she said using her puppy eyes. I gave in and laid down with her and soon enough both of us were passed out cuddling each other and her head on my chest. 

I was still holding on to Karalyne and I heard some cameras and flashes going off and then I woke up noticing the guys taking pictures of me and Karalyne. "Ayeeee, send me oneee" I said and they chuckled at me and Nash sent me a picture of us. I made it my phone screen saver so I could remember that moment. Karalyne finally woke up and she looked so cute in the morning. "Good morning sweet pea!" I said and she instantly smiled at me. "Good morning muffin boy!" she said back and both of us chuckled together. 

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