"I don't think so." Liam said. "I think Harry loves you, and you just need to show him that the thing that he thinks is a problem, really isn't."

"I tried yesterday!" Louis answered. "He wouldn't listen to me."

Liam was quiet for a moment, looking down at the carpet.

"Maybe you should talk to him again, try to properly convince him that there isn't an issue to be worried about, and that you love him and you'll be great together again." Liam offered. He really didn't know what to say, but he wanted to help.

"Fuck." Louis muttered under his breath as his eyes fell to the floor. He took a sip of his tea and tried to think.

He needed to somehow convince Harry that they were great together and that they should stay together. He had to show Harry that he was sorry, and that he loved him more than anything.

They had been in each other's lives since forever, and Louis was sure that Harry was going to be the greatest thing to ever come into his life.

He stood up and put his tea on the bed side table, grabbed some clothes from the floor and quickly got changed.

"What- Where are you going?" Liam asked.

"I need to talk to him." Louis replied. "Not quite sure what I'm going to say, but I need to say something."

And with that, he grabbed his wallet and phone and headed for the door.

"See ya, Li." He said as he walked out the door. "I'll let you know what happens."


The first place Louis looked, was Harry's dorm room, where he found Niall eating chips. But Harry was no where to be seen.

Then, he checked the library but he wasn't there either. Then, he remembered the last time he and Harry had an altercation, and where he found the boy.

The corridor he was looking for wasn't too far away, just on the other side of the large open space of grass.

As he crossed it, he found a bunch of his football friends kicking a ball around.

"Hey Louis!" "Lou, Hi!"

Louis jogged over to them and said hi back.

"Join us for a bit?" One of them asked. Louis smiled, but stepped backwards.

"Sorry boys, I'm on my way to the hottest guy on campus." He winked. "Gotta find Harry."

The boys replied with a mixture of wolfwhistles and a chorus of "aw's". Louis chuckled to himself. At least he had the support of his boys on the football team.

"Later though!" He called over his shoulder as he continued to the other building.

Once he'd arrived, he took to the stairs two at a time, desperately hoping Harry would be where he thought he was.

Same lips red, same eyes blue

Louis rounded a corner and slowed down as he passed a professor who gave him an odd look.

Same white shirt, couple more tattoos

The doors where ahead of him, and hopefully, Harry would be on the other side, in one of the music rooms like last time.

He carefully opened one of the double doors leading to the music corridor, trying not to make any noise.

He was silent for a moment, and then he heard it.

But it's not you, and it's not me

Harry's voice was beautiful, and his piano skills were definitely better than what he'd heard last time. Despite the sad song he was playing, Louis was glad that he'd finally found his boyfriend.

I Know You, Lou // l.s.Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu