"Just get it out!" She moaned. "I'll behave," she added with another grunting.

Stefan grabbed the stake and pulled it out. She screamed and groaned, still lying on the floor. "Say thank you!" Stefan demanded.

"You were much nicer back in the days," she grunted as she sat up on the floor. "When did you get so mean?"

"You're the one who made me a vampire," Stefan said with a detached smile.

Really; this little girl was the one who played the both brothers against one another and turned them into vampires' way back in 1864? No wonder they both fell for Elena.

"And while you are threatening me, I want to remind you that I'm older and therefore stronger." Her tone was a bit tart.

I just stared at them.

"You'll deal with the crazy ex; I'll deal with my girlfriend." Damon still had his arm around me and led me out of the room.

"How are you, are you okay?"

I could see the worry in his eyes and I smiled at him. "I'm fine, you don't have to worry."

"Of course I have to worry, if you die within the next twentyfour hours, you'll be a vampire."

"Wha..." I couldn't even get one complete word out, and my mind was totally blank.

"So it's very important that you stick by me and be safe, okay?"


Well what could I say; was I on the verge of becoming a vampire?


That was really well put, wasn't it? I wondered if I had totally lost my ability to talk.

"I know it's a bit shocking, but if you'll just make it through this next day you'll be fine." He smiled encouraging at me. "And you've survived almost eighteen years so far; even this last months in this house of demons..."

"Will I really?" I started to shake and Damon held me.

"You'll be fine." He stroked me over the back and finally I started to breathe a little more calm and the shaking subsided. "There you go."

"Could you explain the thing about changing again?" My voice was just a whisper.

"Of course I will." He led me to the bed and I lay with my head on his arm and my eyes fixed on him as he explained how I needed to die with vampire blood in my system. "And after that you make the choice yourself; either you feed on human blood and become a vampire or you don't, but then you'll die..."


He nodded.

"That will be an easy choice." I tried to sound brave.

"No... It's actually not easy at all."

I looked surprised at him.

"I had made the decision to end my life, but Stefan forced me to turn..." He looked really sad when he revealed this tragic period of his life. I had a hard time once again to see this sweet little brooding brother, killing his father and forcing his brother to turn.

How could I still see him as my caring big brother?

* * * * *

"Hi Em, are you okay?" Elena sat in one of the couches when Damon and I walked hand in hand into the parlour again later that afternoon.

I drew breath. "Yes, I'm fine."

"That's good to hear." I heard from the other couch and when I flipped my head around I saw Katherine sitting straight opposite from Elena.

Moving In (a Vampire Diaries fan-fiction)Where stories live. Discover now