Laura's eyes grew wide as she thought of something. "Here." She stood up and walked to the other end of the trailer reaching for Davis computer. She punched a few keys and then carried it over to Carmen. "Davis always captures it all."

Carmen looked at the photo of her and Will. She couldn't tell where he started she stopped. His hand was tracing her ear; she looked mesmerized and he looked lost.

"He's trying," Laura whispered. "I tried, and Davis was smart enough to let me go for a while, until I realized what I had lost, then he came back. Let him live without you for a while."

"I begged and he left." She choked on the words. "I should make him beg." Her anger filled her once again.

"Make him beg then. I would have begged Davis, if it had come to that."

"Next!" Kelly said as she exited the small room at the back of the trailer. She was wearing a 1940s nurses uniform and it was obvious what the plan for her was. Surprisingly, the outfit suited her. "Isn't it awesome. I can't wait to get a few kisses." She squealed a little at the thought. "You don't mind if I kiss Will do you? You two are done, right?"

Carmen felt Laura's hand on her shoulder as she moved to the small room at the back.

"Done? yes, we're done." Carmen didn't know what she would do. She had spent the previous day thinking about every way she could punish Will. She had had a prime opportunity today to do so if she had really wanted to. If Laura was correct and he really did care for her, then he wouldn't like to see her flirt with the other men, but she shuddered at the thought. They couldn't compare to Will.

She had tried so hard to resist him earlier, but as soon as he had touched her she had caved, and she knew she would again. Maybe she should cave. She could remind him of what he had had and of what he had lost when he had left.

Then she would walk away. She would leave him. The only part of the plan she didn't have worked out was how she would get him back in the end. She'd have to think about that one. It would have to be in a way he would never expect, otherwise he would avoid it.

Laura emerged a few minutes later in a dark green dress that was a mid-length pencil skirt with a skin tight high waist and a loose top that cupped her breast. It made her look ultra-feminine. She even had the stockings with the line up the back to match. Both she and Kelly had their hair pinned up, Carmen was the only one wearing hers down, but it was swept up at the sides in the classic 1940s style.

Carmen walked to the back to see what her dress was like and she wasn't disappointed. It always amazed her that Davis could see, better than anyone, what would work and what wouldn't. Her dress was white satin sheath that fell to the floor. It was a halter-top that allowed for a bare back and it played well with her tanned skin and bronze hair. She couldn't help but think of how she would look next to Will in his white uniform with his golden good looks. They were a matching pair and Davis saw it all.

She rejoined the others and Laura smirked. "I don't think your getting Will Kelly. When Carmen stands next to Will...Davis is good, that's all I can say."

"Yes, I am." Davis agreed from the door of the trailer. "All three of you are lovely and you're about to make me a very happy man."

Laura, who was never into physical affection in front of others, walked over to Davis and wrapped her arms around his neck. He looked at her with a question in his eyes and then he grinned before giving her a long slow kiss. "Thank you," he whispered before he squeezed her butt then spun her and pushed her out the door.

If only her problems were solved so easily, with a kiss.

"The men are ready, ladies." Davis put his arm around Carmen pulling her close as Kelly walked ahead, eager to see the men in their uniforms. "I want to put you with Will. Will you be alright if I do that? I can make it work another way if you want me too."

"No, that's fine." Carmen said with determination.

"Atta girl," Davis said, placing a kiss on her temple before wrapping her in a tight hug.

Carmen smiled, he was the only man who ever kissed her with the affection of a brother and she secretly loved it. It made her feel accepted. She couldn't help but think that, if she were to ever win Will, the likelihood that Laura and Davis would stay in her life was strong, and it wouldn't be just them. It would be all of the women who were in the kitchen that day. They were Will's family, and they might just be hers if her plan worked.

"You know Laura is an insanely jealous woman, right?"

Carmen couldn't help but laugh aloud at his comment. "No, she's too sure of you."

She stepped away from Davis and looked across the dock, her eyes landing on Will.  He was stunning, his shoulders looked endless, and with his cap pulled low he looked mysterious. She couldn't see his eyes but she could feel them on her as Davis walked away to begin the photoshoot.

Carmen wandered over to one of the canvas chairs next to Laura and sat, letting her long dress with its very high slit fall away from her legs as she crossed them.

"Nice," Laura said, "That got all of their attention, even the younger one with Kelly. They called him Robbie, didn't they?"

"Yes, I think the other one is James." Carmen and Laura watched Davis as he positioned Robbie and Kelly where he wanted them. They did make an exceptional pair, they both had the appearance of innocence that captured the 1940s era perfectly.

Kelly was eating it up, and they could tell that she was enjoying making the young man blush. She could only imagine what Kelly was saying to him. This was the part that was tough in modeling, the waiting. Carmen did her best to keep her eyes off of Will.

"Hello Ma'am." The one named James said from behind them.

Carmen and Laura turned to look at him with equally haughty looks, and they missed Davis capture the moment with his camera.

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