Elizabeth gone rogue

Start from the beginning

~the next day~

"Guys wake up!" Lola's Dad yells.  I  didn't have time to mess around I quickly got up ran, and pushed everyone in front of me to get to the bathroom I was finally able to be the first person in there. I slammed the door in everyone's face, and locked it. 'It was time to look pretty'  I thought as I looked in the mirror my hair was frizzy and messy, yet my skin was soft and smooth, and my teeth are white, my eyes had bags under them that made me look tired 'uck!' "HURRY UP IN THERE!!!" David yelled 2hich snapped me out of my daze "SHUT UP!" I countered. It was time to speed up I quickly grabbed my brush, and brushed my teeth really fast then I quickly plopped in the shower, and used my pomegranate and honey body wash.

I dried off and put on lotion. Put on my clothes, I quickly did my hair into a french braid (or close enough). I looked pretty I was wearing a see through pink shirt with black camisole underneath,  black pants and pink socks and sneakers. I walked out and David was surprised his mouth was basically touching the ground. "WHOA!...... you got out of the shower EARLY!!! Thanks" he sped off into the bathroom and slammed the door in my face.

'WOW HE DIDN'T EVEN NOTICE MY NEW OUTFIT!' I thought angrily. We were eating breakfast really fast because time was almost up for the bus to come Lola already left so it was just David, Deborah, and me. " it's time to walk to the bus stop" Lola's dad reminds us. I stuffed my eggs in my face and poured the OJ down my throat I slung my backpack over my shoulder, we got  going out the door.

It was warm outside the sky was blue there was no sun in sight, but the sun was there. We walked to the end of the drive way, we looked both ways before we crossed the street. We power walked across the street, and we  turn left to the sidewalk we walked past 4 houses before we reached the bus stop. When I got there everyone looked at me with awe " what?" I obnoxiously asked as I knew what they were staring at. It didn't take long for the bus to arrive.

At school I walked in my class with style. Class was about to start, I looked everywhere for Kylie then I found her sitting at a desk at the far end of the classroom I hurried myself over to the spot 22° behind her so I could copy whatever she's doing.  there was someone coming up to the spot so I ran faster and got there first. there was someone coming up to the spot so I ran faster and got there first. I pushed them out of the way, and they dropped on the floor " owwwwww!" They exclaimed then I realized who they were. "YOU STUPID CHILD I'LL SUE YOU!!!"  the snotty redhead yelled in her fake British accent. "Oh I'm sorry I didn't mea-" "SHUT UP! YOU'LL RUE THIS DAY!!" She walked away then turned back to say "RUE IT!" 'What a weirdo' I thought. 

I put my focus onto Kylie she was just sitting, but she was sitting in such a way that she looked powerful so I copied her sit.  I  crossed my legs, looked straight forward, fixed my posture, and held my head high.

We were sitting the teacher was still talking, but I wasn't listening I was too busy focusing on Kylie. " okay children break up into groups of three" the teacher said 'wow it's my chance to be closer to Kylie' I thought excitedly.  I rushed over to  her, but other people already flocked to her I was too late she became a group  with 2 of her friends.

I was stuck with the snotty redhead maddie, and that fat dude in the back that eats glue. " okay kids I want you guys to come up with a restaurant menu with prices and you have to go to stores, and look at the prices of the food and add the prices together" the teacher instructed. "Soooooo when are we going to work on it after school?" I asked "we? No you guys" Maddie demanded " but this is a group project" glue boy said "I don't care if you right my name on it I'll pay you $100" "yes!!" Glue boy excitedly yelled "no!!" I yelled with dignity. " well I guess glue boy here is the only one getting $100 then" she glared at me like I was a peice of trash.

I looked up at Kylie's group  she was having fun laughing with her friends, I felt jealous. I was sitting with a glue eater and a girl who thinks she's popular and loved, but she's not.

We were in the hallway walking in a line. We were going to the cafeteria to eat food. Yesterday I heard about a new girl who got spaghetti sauce spilled over her for trying to talk to the  popular girl 'ha! What an idiot' I thought 'doesn't she know better? Losers don't talk to popular girls'  I chuckled quietly. We arrived at the cafeteria, I went through the line then I sat as close to Kylie as possible without her suspecting a thing. "Hey!" I heard a voice say behind me I turned to see Terrance sitting with his class behind me.

" Oh hey Terrance!" I exclaimed WAY too excitedly, I hope he didn't notice that.
" Want to switch lunches?  I like bananas more than Apples anyways" he said sweetly.

"Sure" I picked up my tray, and brought it over  to him then grabbed his and put it on the table. While we did that I looked into his beautiful fudge eyes which matched his slightly brighter milk chocolate skin "what?" Terrance said snapping me out of my trance. It turns out I was staring at him for like 2 minutes "oh uh ... Nothing" I remembered how Kylie talks so I wanted to try it out on him.

" so Terrance?" " How are you doing?"

" Why you talking like everything's a question?"

"Oh umm...."

"You seem different today Elizabeth"

"Oh I think I understand what's going on here" with that he turned around and we didn't talk for the remainder of the lunch break.

" Hahaha OMG what a loser!" Kylie exclaimed tripping someone over 'so that's what he likes? Girls who bully?'  Then it hit me Kylie is a HUGE bully she puts gum in peoples hair, trips them, calls them names, and balckmails people then she makes them do bad things then after that she tells the teacher on them. I also remembered that Terrance hated that, and broke up with her I shouldn't be copying her I should be putting her in her place. She'll get a taste of her own medicine.

Wow! It looks like Elizabeth is turning into a huge bully. What I'd like to see in the comments are.
A. Do you think what Elizabeth is doing is okay?

B. How do you think Kylie would handle being bullied herself?
I hope you enjoyed AAQ have a nice read.

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