"What'chu tryna eat?"

"I don't know. Name somethings."

"You want Panda express?"

"No. I just had that yesterday."

"Burger King?"

"No. I only eat their onion rings and they're not gonna fill me up."


"Ooh yes!" I could already taste the spicy chicken sandwhich.

"Alright. We'll get it on the way home m I'm ready to go."

"Nooo babe. The food court is so close."

"I don't care. Let's go Sarye."

"Fine." I snatched my hand away and pouted. I hope this will work.

"You really gon' pout all the way to the car?" I pretended to scrolll through my instagram timeline, tuning him out.

"Come on bruh. You so damn spoiled." He turned, grabbing my hand and heading to the food court. I followed his lead, trying to hide my smile.


"What was your first impression of me?" I asked while ravishing my food. It was so damn good.

"I thought..she a crack head, but she's cute so I'll let her slide." He said and bust out laughing. I hit his arm with a frown.

"But nah. I thought she's beautiful, but young as hell on to be these streets doing drugs. I wanted to know what got you to that point and your story."

"Aww. Well fate brought us together. I love you baby."

"I love you too bae."

"Amun, do you realize that I won't be seeing you for a whole three months? How will I live?"

"Stop that headass shit. It be harder on me than you anyway. I remember calling you late at night and you were doing your homework. I told you to rest and you cussed me out. You crazy as hell girl."

"I'm not crazy. I honestly don't know why I was snappy that day. It was probably because I missed you."

"So instead of continuing to talk to me, you cuss me out for being concerned. That's psychotic behavior." He snickered.

"Ok I'm sorry for that. I was being irrational." I shrugged looking back on the situation. I decided to address something that was bothering me.

"Uh babe, are you annoyed that I decided to wait a little longer?"

"Not at all. In my opinion your virginity is a precious thing and you should be conscious and cognizant about who you give it to. Someone you love and has proven to you that you can trust them. I refuse to believe that sex is just sex. You're connecting on a spiritual level as well as a physical one. I do think I have proven myself to you, but I will wait as long as you ask me to because I love you and I don't ever want you to regret giving me something so important to you. I have waited for 21 years, I can wait longer."

His words were honestly a breath of fresh air to me. Not everyone thinks the way we do and that's honestly fine to me. I feel that society collectively needs to stop telling people what the hell to do with their body.

Just as someone that hasn't lost their virginity should not be shamed, someone who has shouldn't be ridiculed either. At the end of the day, if what someone does with their body is not harming you or anyone else, then you should mind your damn business. People these days are always so worried about what the next person does as if it effects them.


I looked at Amun's face as he slept. Don't judge me. I was just thinking how almost a year ago I didn't want anything to do with him, now I was deeply in love with him and I couldn't see my life without him. I truly felt that this was the person that I saw myself with for the rest of my life. It's honestly amazing how life can alter your perception of things. It can change in an instant and we, the participants, are forced to conform to the new scenarios we are placed into. I'm just fortunate to have found my way back to the people that love me.

Amun shifted, wrapping his arms around my waist. I put my face into his neck, breathing in the smell of his Aqua D Gio cologne.

"What'chu thinking about?" He said with his eyes still closed.

"Just about how much I appreciate and love you."

"I love you too baby."

PUB: 9/11/2017

I went through hell to publish this so I hoped you liked it. I need this filler so the book can really pick up.

Time jump in the next chapter so look out for that.

Sorry about not updating, but I've been really lazy and uninspired. You won't believe how many times I deleted and rewrote this chapter only to still be on edge about it.


Hope you guys are doing okay. Thanks for reading!


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