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"You look beautiful." Amun said stunned. Being that she didn't want to go, he thought she would put little effort in her appearance. She was already gorgeous, but seeing her all dressed up, was different; a good different.

"Thank you." She said blandly. It had been a week later, but she was still thought this whole scenario was pointless. She felt that it was unfair that she was forced to participate in something she had no desire to do, with someone she had no desire to be around. She was gonna try to be on her best behavior tonight and hope that it would fly by.

Even though she wasn't too keen on attending the event, she loved to dress up and be pampered.

She looked in the full length mirror in the hallway, checking out herself once more before proceeding to exit.

She admired the simplicity of the lace top, along with the long, black skirt that glistened in the light. Her hair was straightened and parted down the middle and the maroon tips contrasted nicely with the white top that adorned her top half. Her make up was not over done, but the maroon lip and dark eye made the look pop.

He opened the door of his father's brand new Bentley helping her in, then quickly sprinted to the other side, and got into the driver's seat starting the car.

As they cruised down the highway, he tried to make small talk to break the silence.

"So..how are you?" He asked hesitantly. He knew she didn't want to be in the car with him, let alone go to the banquet at all, but he decided to attempt to break the ice.

"Not to be rude, but I really don't wanna talk. I'm already miserable as is." Amun was taken aback by her attitude. He was fixin' to turn around, but he saw the Ritz Carlton hotel come into view.

"Yo what the fuck is wrong with you?"

He asked. He was tired of her ass already.

"Me? What's wrong with you. You continually push yourself on me and you don't even know me. What do you want from me?"

"I don't want shit. You really think people can't actually just want your company? Damn man." He rubbed down his face, irritated.

"No I don't. And I would appreciate if you would just leave me the fuck alone so we can get this over with."

"Say less." He clenched his jaw, smoothly turning into the entrance of the building.

As much as he wanted to walk in alone, he remembered that his parents taught him to respect women, so he kindly opened her door and tossed the keys to the valet.

The inside was simply astonishing. They were checked off the guest list and escorted into the ballroom for dinner.

He looked around and saw Jarani and Dre already seated in their chairs with their dates.

As soon as they spotted Amun, they hopped up to greet him at the entrance.

"Wassup bruh. How you doing beautiful?" Dre greeted.

"Good. Thanks for asking." Sarye replied sweetly surprising Amun. She felt bad about what she said in the car so she was trying to redeem her self.

"Man I told you I wanted a Melanin queen and you gave me Becky with the split ends? We need to switch dates dawg." Jarani exclaimed.

Sarye giggled a bit. That was hella rude.

"Man Amy is a nice girl. It's only for one night. Chill." Amun stated annoyed.

"Aight man. Jus' 'cause it's your night."

"Let's go sit down."

They promptly took their seats just in time for the ceremony to begin.

By the time it was over Amun held the trophies of the MVP, the Wooden award, and the Player Of The Year award.

He was so elated, that he hadn't noticed Sarye's empty chair beside him.

He asked where she went and they mentioned she headed to the bathroom about twenty minutes ago.

Thinking that was unusually long, Amun decided to go check up on her. There were a couple hundred people at this gathering, and he didn't know what these people were capable of.

Just as he turned the corner, Sarye came out of the bathroom. The powdery substance noticeable on her left nostril.

She looked at him and froze like a deer in headlights. By the look on his face, she now realized that she didn't get all of it off as she thought she did.

"Really bruh. For fucking real?" Amun spoke, livid.

"This what you do? I knew since I picked you up that you wasn't too fond of this idea, but the least you could do was be sober until the end of the event. At least have a quarter of the respect that I have for you. But you don't have to worry about me intruding in your life anymore or even speaking to you. Real talk I'mma grant you your wish and leave you the fuck alone. There ya go. C'mon so I could take you home."

He turned around and headed back to the table, not sparing her a glance. After dapping his friends, he grabbed his trophies and made his way to the valet to get his father's car.

Not a word was spoken on the way back to Aunt Cass' house. The tension was so thick that you could cut it with a knife.

When they finally arrived to the house, he remained the same gentleman he was all night and opened the door for her. He even waited until she got her keys and unlocked the door before retreating back towards the car.

"Hey I'm sor-."

"Goodnight." He replied speeding off.

He wanted nothing to do with her ever again.



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