Sleeping beauty

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I woke up in an unfamiliar bed and room. The walls were a dark red crimson color, the same for the sheets I was covered in. A number of colors in the room was overwhelming. I tried sitting up but quickly laid back down, wincing, holding my now bandaged shoulder. I tried remembering what had happened before now. Then I noticed a man with a smirk on his face, leaning against the door frame.

 "Finally awake, huh, sleeping beauty?" He sounded oddly familiar. He had bright red hair and was wearing a blue leather jacket that seemed to have a logo with the words 'dead pegasus' on it. It was accompanied by light blue denim pants. The smirk on his face faded, as he walked over and sat in a chair to the right of the bed, he crossed his legs. As he came closer, I could clearly see his hazel eyes.

 "Wh-who are you? Where am I... What happened?... How long have I been asleep...?" I asked, hurriedly. "Whoa, whoa, whoa...Calm down with the questions, Miss Asks-a-lot... You've been out for about...mmm...three days," he said, scratching his chin, "What!" I exclaimed loudly, my eyes wide. "Hey, hey, calm down... my name is Party Poison... You want me to help you?" he said and crossed his arms. "What...?". "Do you want me to help you sit up?" he said with a sigh. "Oh, um... yes please." he stood up and leaned over me, sitting me up. He sat back down and continued, "You're at our, the killjoys, base. We found you unconscious in the desert, near Battery City. You were almost dead, But not quite. So we brought you back here,". 'That's right. I remember now...' I thought.

 "OK. Now it's my turn. Who are you, and what were you doing passed out in the middle of the desert?" he questioned, standing up. "Well... I-I um..." I mumbled, unsure of how to explain. He walked to the bed and sat down. "Come on, spit it out." He said impatiently. "Well... I ran away... I was tired of living in battery city, So... I left. But.. things didn't go as I had planned," I said and looked down at my shoulder. He stood up and sat back down in the chair, "I packed a bag full of supplies the day before I was going to go, but before I left, I double-checked to make sure I didn't forget to pack anything. Turns out I didn't pack any first-aid supplies. I went to my bathroom to get some and when I came back my father was in my room. He said that he knew what I was trying to do and he tried to stop me. I ran and he chased me. I didn't have enough time to grab my bag, so I left it. I ran through town and at some point, these things that looked like they came straight out of a vampire movie, joined my father and started shooting after me..." I stopped to take a breath, "Draculoids," The man called Party Poison mumbled, "What?" I asked, confused. "Those things that were chasing after you? They're called Draculoids," he said, smoothing his hair back. "Well... I eventually lost them by hiding in an alleyway, but not without getting hit by the Draculoids..." I said motioning towards my shoulder, "I made my way out of the city and ran as fast as I could through the desert. That's all I can really remember..." I trailed off. "Your name?" he asked, looking at me. "What?" I asked, "Your name? What's your name? You do remember it, right?" He questioned, "Oh!... yeah...sorry. It's Elizabeth... Elizabeth Grace." I said.

"Okay... I believe you... Elizabeth... Come with me." He said and stood up, offering a hand to help me stand. "Where are we going?" I asked curiously, "You'll see." he said and took my hand pulling me out of the room and into what seemed to be a hallway. We stopped when we reached a door. "Wait here," he said and walked in the opposite direction. After a few minutes, He returned holding, what seemed to be, a towel and some clothes. "The clothes are a bit small for me so they might fit you," he said handing me the neatly folded clothes and towel, "Wait, what?" I looked up at him, confused. He looked down at me, raised his eyebrows and said, "What? Do you want to stay in those?" I looked down at myself only just realizing how dirty my clothes were, "Oh," I mumbled, "And I assumed that you would want to clean yourself off," he said and opened the door behind me. It was a bathroom. "Try not to get your bandages too wet... and when you're done meet me in the front so someone can change them." He said and pointed to what I guessed was the front.

 He turned and was about to turn to leave when I stopped him by saying, "Hey, wait!" He stopped to turn around and sighed, "What is it?" I looked down at my feet, trying to hide the blush that was growing on my face, "Um... I just wanted to thank you for helping me... if it wasn't for you... I'd probably be... well... dead," I got quiet on the last word. "You shouldn't just be thanking me..." He said under his breath. "But, sure..." He said and quickly walked away so I couldn't stop him again. I turned around and walked into the bathroom. It wasn't exactly filthy, but it wasn't clean either. I carefully took off my clothes, to not hurt my shoulder, and hoped in the shower and let my mind wander a bit.


Yaaay!! I'm finally done with this chapter!( I don't know why I'm writing this... no one is reading.) I hope you (Nobody.) enjoyed it!!!!! This chapter was actually very fun to write! ( Shut up Charlie, no one cares... Idiot) oops sorry, my depression wants to take over!

Depression: Ugh... why are you even trying, Charlotte. You're just going to be made fun of, you stupid idiot. Just stop trying already.

I won't stop because, WILLPOWER, hahahahahahahahah...haha..ha. Sorry, that was kind of weird... I'll stop now...


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