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I slowly opened my blue eyes, still heavy with sleep, only to be met with the boring, hospital-like room they called my bedroom. Slowly sitting up I rubbed the sleep out my eyes.

The air was cold and bitter, making me want to crawl back under, in the safety and warmth of my white sheets. But, knowing that I had a big day ahead of me, I stood up from the bed. I slowly walked through the bland and blank hallway, into the bathroom to take a shower, bringing a towel and fresh clothes to wear, all white, of course. I walked into the bathroom, looking in the mirror. My hair, long and curly, was a very dark brown. It fell just above my waist. My eyes were a bright blue, my lips were full and pink. I wasn't skinny, but I wasn't fat either. in the past, before BL/Ind, my family, especially my mother, always said that I was curvy. My family was always so embarrassing. I was wearing a white nightgown, provided by BL/in. Breaking my eye contact with the mirror, I undressed and hopped in the shower, thinking of past events.

Life wasn't always like this. BL/Ind took over around two years ago and my whole world came tumbling down. I was forced to move back with my parents, though I'm twenty years old and can take care of myself. They forced this "medicine" they called happy pills on the whole city, told us if we didn't take them we would develop a sickness that would eventually kill us.  The pills made everyone like zombies, they were all exactly the same, they were all normal. BL/Ind always advertised that normal was good. My family and friends hadn't said one single funny thing for so long. It's like they brainwashed them. But I always thought there was something fishy about those pills. So I hid my daily pill underneath my dresser because, at the end of every month, BL/Ind would refill our prescriptions, and if there were any left in the bottle... they would execute you on the spot. They told us that 'it was for our own safety' and that they 'didn't want the deadly disease to spread'. It was awful 

Before BL/Ind took over Battery City, you could walk outside and see color, everybody was different and special in their own way. Heck! I had a career in art! I made money in doing something that I loved! But now... now things were different. BL/Ind took our colorful belongings, and anything that was a work of art; clothes, posters, books, movies, music, paintings ETC. They even took the time to repaint our houses, inside and out. Leaving nothing but shades of black and white... nothing to express ourselves with... well... not that we could in the first place. We just woke up one day and it was gone. Creepy right?

After two years of nothingness, I think it was natural that I doubted my sanity. Being bottled up in my mind for so long, my craving for color was eating away at me. I would have sold my soul to see color again...

  After I got out of the shower, I got dressed, a white shirt accompanied with white pants. Yay... I walked back to my room.  

But my life was going to change soon... I was going run away. Run far away from that awful place I once called home. I had planned to run away that night.

My gaze landed on the backpack, full of snacks and water bottles that should, hopefully, last me until I find something to eat, that I had packed the day before. I was putting on my shoes, which were white, when a noise sounded through my room.
Yay! Chapter one is done! I hope someone will read this and enjoy it. I know it isn't a lot. And also if I made any mistakes that you noticed that I made feel free to inform me in the comments below! (I hope I did well for my first fanfiction...) I hope you have a wonderful day !!! :)

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