Chapter 9

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    Hey y'all, bet you can't guess who this is! I'll give you a hint, you probably think I'm a villain but I would say I'm more of a vigilante.
    Not enough? Well princey probably hates me, and I'd bet the other two barely know i exist!
    What do you mean I forgot one? Surely you don't mean Thomas! He doesn't know me either... Oh, you mean the glitch don't you! Yes we've had a couple run-ins. You know who I am now don't you. If you guessed Corey then you would be correct!
     So a little bit about myself... well, I've always been corruption. Or Corey for short. That's like my 'real name' that they talk about.
     Anyways, why am I here? I'm here because this is my job! Silly. I destroy people. More specifically, I make them insane. Slowly, I kill off each trait. It's rather fun actually! I've been doing this since my original host. Yes, you heard me right! I was a trait once. Just like the others.
    What am I now? Technically, I'm what logic would call a glitch. Yup, I'm what he thought was Anxiety. That's how I knew it was time to strike. Why? Well, Anxiety, or glitch as I'll call him, overheard them talking because of a vent that I placed in his room. Yes, I placed that vent there just in case. If he heard them talking about something nasty, I would be able to infest their minds with fear of said nasty thing.
     So the glitch was too good of an oportunity to miss! See the nightmares happened for a reason. I needed enough fear. Enough worry. Enough anxiety to be in my physical form long enough to do what I needed.
    What do I need? Thomas to go insane. I am corruption, I live off of depair, and pain. My favorite thing to do is corrupt a personality trait. That's where I bring them fully under my controll. It's rather hard though. I'm only able to do it once in every host, but if I can get one... they are all done for.
     It's almost impossible for a trait to be... uncorrupted, we'll call it. Almost, because well. You'd have to kill me! And that is impossible, I know for sure. The only thing you can do to stop me is to put me in the imagination, but I come back every time! You should see the looks on some of their faces when they thought I was gone, but woops, there I am! It's too funny!
    Now, to fully destroy Thomas... hmm. Usually I can corrupt one trait and let them destroy the others. But these traits seem to be putting up a fight. How stupid! Maybe if I get them all in one spot... I've got it! I know just what to do!
    Wait, you want to know? I'm not going to tell you! Why on Earth would I do that? You'd just rat on me to those freaks!
    Well, I've got to be going! It was nice chatting with you though!

Yeah this one's pretty short. But it's from Corey's point of view and that's HARD... alright I'll stop complaining. Parts of it were rather fun to write after all. As usual don't forget to vote and comment! See ya next chapter!

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