Chapter 27

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Multitasking was everything for a young mother. It was ironic how Amelia's multitasking worked. The head of her neck broken husband laid in her lap, she cradled her daughter in her arms and her mind raced about ways to kill the devil while waiting for her family to wake up. She already had checked Freya's pulse as she was the only mortal being between them, but she was just unconscious. 

Slowly they all woke up, looking around confused, making sounds of pain. Just Elijah differed. His eyes were wide open and he didn't make a sound. He stared in Amelia's eyes speechless, relieved to see her awake again. Carefully, to not disturb their daughter's sleep, he pulled her into his arms after sitting up, barely able to hold a tear back from slipping down his cheek. Words weren't needed. They both knew how happy they were to see each other again. 

Amelia allowed herself this moment, one of the first of the three of them together. Elijah lightly caressed Lily's cheek, before placing a kiss on his wife's forehead. He got on his feet before he lifted Amelia by her waist to help her up, to which she smiled. She hoped he won't handle her with kid's gloves from now on. 

The rest of the family gathered around them and the heretic turned serious again. With a quick glance she checked if everyone was alright. Freya looked a bit pale and seemed to have the worst headache, but all in all everyone was fine.

"We need to do the ritual." 

Again she looked at all of their expression, just Elijah's clouded a bit, but Freya seemed to have them all filled in into the plan.

"Amelia, this will get you killed. We have no idea if this will work." 

Elijah placed his hand on her arm and she was so tempted to give in. To simply run away with him and hide from the devil. 

"Believe me, if I had another idea I would gladly take it. We run out of options, Elijah. We can't run, he'll find us. He isn't joking, next time he'll kill us all." 

The family exchanged sad glances. Everyone would be willing to give his life to protect the others, so they had the greatest respect for Amelia risking hers, especially as she just had become a mother. 

"Bonnie Benett is on her way. Rebekah and I hunted down the vampire and the wolf, they're safely in the cellar. Why Bonnie actually?" 

Niklaus asked and shifted uncomfortably. Caroline didn't approve of this, but he couldn't care right now. 

"When she became the anchor to the other side, she unknowingly broke an important seal. That's what makes her like me. If everything works out and all four of us awake after the reaping, I'll siphon off the power of the others and kill them. I'll have to cast a spell really quick to give Bonnie a share of this power. I can't handle it all on my own, but Bonnie and I together will. Then we'll have enough time to open a portal to hell. At the same time one of you has to stab Lucifer with a knife coated in Elijah's and Lily's blood. It'll weaken him and Freya can push him into the portal using her magic." 

Everyone nodded, showing that they all understood. They stood in silence, all in their own thoughts. 

"We have to wait until Bonnie arrives. In the mean time, you must strengthen yourself, you all must be hungry as hell. I'll watch Lily and Hope in the mean time."

Freya stated and Elijah and Amelia exchanged a glance. None of them wanted to leave their daughter, but the oldest sister was right. They were starving. Sighing, Amelia handed the witch her daughter and kissed her little head before her and Elijah left into the streets of New Orleans, holding hands. 

"It has been quite some time since we fed together." 

Elijah stated as he lightly squeezed her hand.

The Devil In Me - Elijah Mikaelson -Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ