Chapter 5

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"Isn't it what you do when you have a crush? Show her to your family? Maybe we should hold hands."

The way to the farm house the Mikaelsons stayed in after being back to the land of the living was horribly annoying for Elijah. Amelia tried to provoke him at any chance she got. He urged to break her neck so badly so she would just shut up, but that was exactly what she wanted. She wanted him to show his dark side, to open the red door and let it infiltrate his mind. But he wouldn't do that. This monster inside had done terrible things, it destroyed families and slaughtered people like animals and he couldn't even remember all of it. Somehow he had the feeling that the girl sitting next to him was connected to his own greatest secret. Of course his family knew about his other side, but they couldn't believe the monstrosities their noble brother had done. 

Elijah just took a deep breath und grabbed the stirring wheel tighter. He needed to calm, his niece was inside this house and for her, he would be the noble man. 

"How is your niece doing?" 

She seemed to have guessed his thoughts. Her voice was a bit softer and Elijah spared her a side glance. 

"I didn't see much of her, my brother has some catching up to do. But she has grown into a beautiful young lady." 

Amelia's thoughts drifted off to her son. She kept an eye on him when she became a vampire, but she compelled his father to believe and tell him that Amelia had run off and left him alone, so he wouldn't think of her or miss her. It broke her heart and turned it even more into stone. But she knew he lived a long, happy life, had children and was loved. That's what she wanted for him. She didn't want that he carried the same weight as she did in her childhood; the weight of a dead mother. 

The younger vampire looked at Elijah and asked herself again, how she couldn't scratch his eyes out right now. He was the reason why her son couldn't grow up with his mother. But at some point she just lost the hatred and her emotion became dull. She even believed that it all has been faith, that she wasn't worth being loved. Now, after a thousand years with blood on her hands, it was true. 

"Must be hard, isn't it? Watching your brother being happy and you? You have nothing. You can't have a child, you lost your little girlfriend and still you have to weasel around her and watch her, also having her happily ever after." 

Elijah chuckled, covering that she hit him right in the sensitive points. It was sad, but he had to keep himself together. But maybe she was right. For whom did he stay in control? Hope had her parents, Hayley left him and his siblings had their part of peace. 

"I'm wondering about you, Amelia. You're dedicated to dig into other people's life and yet, I have the feeling that you yourself have quite the history of unfinished business." 

Now it was Amelia that had to hold back. She moved her jaw and clenched her fists. This was a game of cat and mouse and not even her sarcasm could make her control it. This Original was a tough opponent.

"I do. But you're not in the position to ask about it." 

Silence erupted and both of them let out a relieved sigh when the house appeared at the end of the road. They got of the car and walked up to the porch, where they were awaited by Klaus and Hayley. 

Amelia set up her amused smile and lifted an eyebrow when she saw the female hybrid with the father of her child. Elijah rolled his eyes and motioned for her to go on her way. The vampire jumped up to the porch and took Hayley's hand to shake.

"You must be Hayley. The girl who didn't manage to save these old asses. Well, good that I did. My pleasure."

The young hybrid nearly crushed the vampire's hand, while Amelia laughed in her face. 


This is going to end in a bloodbath, Elijah thought.

The women stared in each other's eyes, none of them letting go. Luckily, Niklaus interrupted them, before one of them started a physical fight. 

"You helped me out of that dungeon. Why?" 

Amelia looked at Niklaus and ignored Hayley's death stares.

"I helped? Darling, you would sit down there like a bad doggy right now if it weren't for me. I broke the spell, pulled that blade out and fought with a freakin' mutation for you. A thank you would be welcome. Elijah can fill you in about the why. I'm tired, I'll find myself a room." 

With her chin up high, she strutted in elegantly and disappeared upstairs. The trio left behind looked after her, speechless. 

"I'll kill her in her sleep." 

Hayley said, steaming of anger. Klaus placed a hand on her shoulder and squeezed it.

"I'll gladly help you." 


Everyone in the house was sound asleep, all of them having their own nightmares or magical adventures. But when the littlest one woke up with a gasp and started panting, everyone was suddenly wide awake. 

Hope's parents were the first to arrive at her side. Hayley cradled her daughter in her lap, looking at her with worry. 

"I'm so cold..." 

The girl said with a weak voice. 

Elijah and Amelia arrived at the same time. Amelia didn't really know why she came here and worried about the child, but somehow she seemed to become her old self when it comes to children. 

"This can't be normal, in the 5 years since you were gone she didn't even have a cold or a flu or something." 

The mother's voice was in panic. She held Hope even tighter. 

"If this is about magic, I maybe can help." 

Amelia stopped the fussing and all eyes were on her. They did not trust her and believed she was talking nonsense.

"How can you? You're a vampire, you can't do magic." 

"I can't do a lot, but I know a few tricks. At least I can see what's the matter of this." 

What no one knew is, that she was the first vampire syphon. For her entire human life she did not know about the magical blood in her veins, because she never got in touch with any magic and not even her mother seemed to know that her husband that died in battle had been a warlock. She was happy about that, because she knew she would've been a abomination for the witch community. Amelia played her powers down, the Mikaelson didn't need to know about it yet.

Amelia stepped forward, looking at Hope, but was stopped by her father.

"Don't you dare touch her!" 

He shouted, but his older brother interrupted him.

"Niklaus! She wants to help." 

Klaus and Hayley looked at him in disbelief, but in lack of choice, the hybrid stepped aside. The vampire took a seat next to the girl and stretched her hand out. 

"Ok, sweetie, can you please take my hand?" 

She smiled warmly. Elijah couldn't recognize her. It was like she turned into a completely different person from one second to the other. This woman was a complete mystery to him. 

Hope glanced at her parents for reassurement and then took the vampire's hand. Amelia closed her eyes and fell into a kind of trance when she felt a pain where their hands connected, stretching out into her body. She tried to syphon it out of the girl, but the blue light that was imaged in her mind seemed to fight her and went back into Hope's body. Never did it occurred to Amelia that she couldn't syphon magic out of something. Then, a vision hit her and she ripped her eyes wide open. She let go of Hope's hand, grabbed a pen and a paper and scribbled the sign of a snake biting its own tail, like the hybrid girl had been painting for days now.

"We need to go to New Orleans. I saw a name, Vincent Griffith, do you know that guy?" 

The brothers and Hayley shared a glance and nodded. 

The Devil In Me - Elijah Mikaelson -Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu