Chapter 6

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It was in the middle of the night when the Mikaelson family, at least the part that was still in the country, plus a certain unrelated vampire left the farm house and sped to their cars. It was very quiet out here, just the chirps of the crickets and the sound of leaves whistling in the wind disturbed complete silence. 

Elijah decided that he and Amelia would drive behind Hayley, Klaus, Freya and Hope. Bickering wouldn't be good for the ill child and he was sure one of them would pick up a fight in this tensed situation. 

When the car sped up the highway, Elijah could see Amelia turn back into stone by every mile he drove. He felt that she was wearing the mask he got a glimpse behind again. But the child loving women was gone by now. 

"You helped Hope...thanks for that." 

She didn't even spare him a side glance, she just stared right out of the window, being the dark nature next to the street passing by. 

"It's not the child's fault that she's born into a soulless family." 

The Original thought about that. Soulless...many before her described him like that. The number increased since the day his mother held him captive. Amelia was right about his dark side, but he swore to himself that he wouldn't accept it, neither embrace it. 

"Soulless...That's what you call us?" 

Elijah smiled lightly, honestly interested in her opinion. He didn't really know why he was that curious, but every glimpse behind her facade was a step nearer to know what here real plans were. Also, he knew that the younger vampire was highly intelligent. 

"You know, everyone calls Klaus and maybe even Kol as the ruthless ones. I mean, they're monsters, of course, but I think the monstrosity is something you all have in common. You, Rebekah and even Finn, you're no better. Klaus and Kol are just the ones that don't deny it. Rebekah hides it with her cute attitude, her puppy eyes and her wish to be loved by some handsome fool, yours was suppressed by your mother...well, not anymore, I'm curious how it will show...and Finn hadn't had the chance to show it. And even lovely Freya, I totally forgot her!  You two are quite alike, aren't you? The same family above all  bullshit. Your endless excuse to kill whoever you want. It's pathetic, but still somehow clever. Thing is, no one buys it anymore, Elijah. Everyone knows you're not noble." 

Her voice was calm, even when she was kind of insulting him. Elijah took it in, her words will make him have some sleepless nights. But not today. He will have time to reflect on that later on. 

"And you? Do you have a soul, Amelia?" 

She was quiet for some moments, thinking. 

"No, I don't think so. I lost that some centuries ago." 

Elijah was madly curious about the story how she was turned. He was sure neither he or his siblings turned him, he would've recognized her face. But he knew that this story must've had something to do with the fact that she hated the Mikaelsons so much. 

No one spoke for the rest of the drive. They were too lost in thought.


The group of powerful creatures walked towards St. Anne's church, where Vincent Griffith was located. Marcel Gerard stood in front of the church, his arms crossed over his chest. His muscles flexed when he saw the Mikaelsons, showing his tenseness. 


Klaus took some steps forward, facing his former protege and now enemy. 


Marcel nodded, seeming to ignore the rest of the group Klaus brought with him. 

"I warn you. My daughter is ill, if you stay in my way..."

"What, Klaus, what will you do?" 

The beast stepped even nearer, Klaus and his noses nearly touching. Amelia felt Elijah tensing up next to her, ready to fight. She looked up at his determined face and some part of her started to understand why he would do for his family. Envy hit her hard.

Klaus couldn't answer, he just threw Marcel deathly glares, but his son eased the situation by stepping back and his shoulders sinking down.

"Because this is about a child, I will grant you my permission to be here, to live. Be sure, I won't be that nice again." 

Amelia rolled her eyes and couldn't hold back a snarky comment.

"Yeah, yeah, we understood you alpha doggy position. Any more showing of testosterone and manliness or do you need time to pee against the wall to mark your district?" 

It took Marcel a moment to recognize her, but he was in front of her in less than a second, grabbed her neck and pushed her against the wall beside them. The other's stood still, knowing the beast wouldn't grant them access to the church if they would fight him.

"I killed you little annoying bitch." 

Amelia laughed in his face, seeing that everyone besides from Elijah rushed inside the church from the corner of her eye. 

"Seems you're not that strong after all. Want me to proof it? I'm ready for round two." 

Her voice was feisty, provoking him to the edges. It was a perk that she didn't had to fear anything. 

"Marcellus! Control yourself." 

Before Marcel could bite Amelia, Elijah interrupted. He knew that it wouldn't kill her for good, but he still needed her healthy for the next few days. 

With his red eyes disappearing, Marcel turned around to face Elijah, old wounds reopening. They stared at each other for a long time before he let go of Amelia's neck. 

"You're not worth wasting my time."

The man followed the other's inside. Just the two vampires were left. 

"Was this really necessary?" 

Elijah asked, nervously moving his hands through his short hair. Smiling, she walked past him and entered the church. 

All of them were gathered around Hope and a witch, Amelia supposed it was Vincent. The witch turned around when he felt Amelia entering, his eyes bore holes into her. Some of her energy must be radiating off her, but he couldn't sort out to which of all creatures walking the earth it belonged. Surely it wasn't something he had seen before.

Freya Mikaelson eyed her suspiciously, too. She hadn't really taken notice of Amelia so far, but she saw Vincent's attention being adverted towards the vampire. It was then when she also felt it. There was something strange about her and Freya was determined to find out what. 

Amelia needed to be careful with these two. She never had to cover her abilities with magic so far, but maybe the time had come to casts some cloaking spells. 

"She is cleansed now, but I don't think this is over." 

Vincent looked at Elijah and Klaus seriously. 

"What do you know about this...thing...that harmed Hope?" 

Klaus was overwhelmed by worry. Hayley stood close behind him, looking exhausted. 

"It's called the Hallow. Believe me, you don't want to mess with it, but I think we have to." 

The Devil In Me - Elijah Mikaelson -Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin