I take a deep, shaky breath and smile a little, saying, "If there's ever a day where we're not together, there's something you must remember, I'll always be with you."

Leo immediately hugged me, his frail arms wrapped around my neck, and then stepped back at arm length. "How are you anyway?"

"Honestly, I-I don't know." I murmur, "I just feel like I have a thousand bees buzzing very loudly inside of me- and it hurts..."

"But, you know what's funny? I'm not afraid to die. Actually, I've been thinking about death today. You know we all have to die at some point, some sooner than the others and- and that's okay." I continue with a small nod, "The quality of life isn't measured by how long it's lived..."

I let out a sigh and finish, "And it seems that my body is making an all out run towards death. It's just a constant reminder to have every second that you live mean something; Just doing good and spreading positivity and just putting out into the world what you want the world to return to you."

"Des, I already told you- You are not going to die, not as long as we're around." Leo started.

"Leo..." I start and then add, "The more I embrace it, rather than fight it... I think the more at peace I will be and the more I will enjoy the life that has been given to me."

A single tear fell down the boy's cheek as he sighed with a nod. I look down and continue to walk down the hallway, leaving him alone.

Chase was the one who found me next. I sit down on the small couch with a slight pained grunt as he sat beside me, our knees touching. "Chase... I love you- I always have and always will... I just had to let you know."

"You know I love you, too. Des, you have to keep fighting- You can't die. I need you. You are the only one who truly understands me and- and I just... I just can't lose you, okay?" Chase replied.

Our faces were centimeters from each other's. "We have to let each other go." I whispered sadly.

"I don't want to let you go- not again- I won't do it, I can't do it." Chase said.

"I don't want to let you go, but I'm already gone... I can feel it. I love you, and I thank God for the time that we had," I reply, "You know, something happened today... I realized something about you, about us..."

"What would that be? That we just can't find that way to be together?" Chase murmured, a sad smile forming on his lips.

"What we had- have- is the most real thing that I've ever felt in my life. You know that I trust you. I don't know what I would do if you weren't here. I want to fight for you, for us...." I comment, "You're the one who always cares- That's one of the things I like about you... I don't want to lose any of you guys... I don't want to lose you- again."

"You're not going to lose me. We're a team. We get through this together 'cause that's what we do. Just have faith in us, in me. I won't let you die. You're my world, I know, cliché thing to say, but it's true... I love you." Chase replied.

He leaned in closer and kissed me on the lips, shyly at first but then with more confidence, our eyes closed; I kiss him back.

We slowly part, our foreheads now resting against one another's, both breathless.

"I-I have to go... find my dad..." I slowly  murmur, still a bit dazed from that kiss as was he. I stand back up and walk out of the room.

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