Chapter 14

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"Amara sweetheart, please calm down." Frigga says softly.

"Calm down?! I can't calm down!" I said.

I was pacing back in forth in Frigga's bed room. She sat on the bed watching me with worry in her eyes. Night had casted over Asgard, and while most in the castle were asleep or out at a possible party, I was awake in my night gown freaking out.

"For 9 months, 9 tiring months, I have been working my ass off! Training day and night so I could try and get another day off. Just one day! So I could spend some time with him! And when we set a date, he doesn't even show up!" I say.

"Loki has been very reluctant lately, even with me, you know that." Frigga said.

"That doesn't give him an excuse! I haven't spoken a word to him since that night...and he has yet to apologize to me."

Frigga got up from the bed and placed a comforting hand on my shoulder.

"Let me go look for him."

I grip my head and sigh. Frigga leads me towards her bed, and pushes my shoulders down gently, making me sit.

"Relax Amara...everything will be alright."

She places a kiss on top of my head before leaving the room. I sat there. Waiting for her return. For a good hour she was gone, and I started to get impatient.

"That's it."

I got up from the bed, put my good up and walk out of the room. I began to look for Loki or Frigga. I checked the throne room, Loki's own bedroom, the dinning hall, and even the training grounds. I finally made it down a hall, were around the corner a party was being held.

I started looking around. Maybe if I found Thor here he could help me find one of them. I notice a large crowed surrounding the bar, their cheering filling the hall.

I spotted The warriors Three, Sif, and Thor there. But couldn't spot the person in the middle. I stood up on a chair to get a better look over the crowd. I saw a head of black hair, that belong to a certain young prince who sitting on a stool.

My body froze. Straddling his waist was a woman with curly golden hair. And they were kissing. No, not even that. They were full out sucking each other's faces off as everyone cheered them on. My throat went dry and my eyes stung. How could he?

Green eyes connected with mine. I balled my fist.

I stepped down from the chair, turn and started to walk away. I felt numb, unaware of any feeling as I bumped past people. Some shouted at me, others apologized, and some were to drunk to notice. I made it around the corner when I became aware of someone calling my name.


I turned around slowly. Loki was behind me, out of breath from running to catch up with me. Before he could utter another word, I cut him off.

"I thought all you wanted was some space. That you just need a little more time to get over your father and the whole him picking Thor over you, but here you are having the time of your life!" I say.


"Leave me alone, Loki."

I turn around but Loki grabs my hand.

"Please, let me explain--"

I grabbed him by his collar, lifting him up, and slammed him against a pillar.

"I gave you everything Loki Odinson! How could you?!"

Loki brought his hands up to my wrist.

"Love, I--"

I let him go, a look of pure hate and disgust on my face.

"I am NOT your love! Touch me again, and I will end you!"

"Loki! Amara!"

I see Frigga walking towards us from the corner of my eye. When she's near she goes straight to Loki. I back away from the two and start making my way to my room.

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