Chapter 10

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I burst through the doors and into Frigga's room. She came out from behind a pillar and smiled at me.

"Amara, my dear. How was your night?" she asked.

"What the hel were you doing?! Your not allowed to see him! If the guards had told Odin-"

"But if you asked the guards they would say I wasn't there." She said cutting me off.

She turned around and walked up the steps and onto her balcony. I trailed behind her. Frigga looks up at the sky as I lean against a pillar.

"I don't know why you even bother seeing him." I mumble.

I pulled my hood off my head as I looked down at the ground.

"What he said isn't true, you know?" I ask.

Frigga turned around and looks at me.

"About you not being his mother...he does love you, Frigga." I say.

She gives me a small smile as she walks over to me.

"I know...I worry about him. I don't know what's going through his mind lately." she said.

"Who can ever know what's on Loki's mind? It's full of madness!" I said.

"So what's the difference between your mind and his?" she asked.

I rolled my eyes at her and put my hood back up. I went to leave when Frigga grabbed my arm.

"Your not leaving just yet." she said.

"What? Is there something else you need me to do for you?" I asked.

"You have heard that Thor brought a mortal to Asgard?"

"He brought her too Asgard? I said he should go see her, not introduce her to the family."

"Well he did. And I want you too come with me to meet her."

"Okay...let's go."

I went to turn around but she grabbed my arm again.

"Yes?" I ask.

"Could you maybe...change?" she asked.

"What's the matter with my Guardian armor and clothes?" I asked.


"Well then let's go!"

I started walking away when a green glow went over me. I looked down and groaned. I turn around and looked at Frigga.

"Really?" I asked.

I was In an all white dress with a gold and red rim at the top and bottom of it. I still had my hood on thank the gods.

"Change me back." I said.

"But you look so beautiful."

"Urgh! The things I do for your!" I said before storming away.

I could hear her laughing behind me as I lead the way.

"It took you awhile to get to me. I suppose you and my son talked after I left."

"Yes, I told him he's a monster and deserve's to be locked up."

"You've never been a good lair, Amara." she stated.

We made it outside as Frigga walked next to me. I stopped as I saw Thor up ahead by the balcony. A small woman with brown hair was with him.

"Why would he bring her here? Wouldn't Odin send her back?" I asked.

"He was going to...but-"

"What?" I asked.

"She has the Aether inside of her."

"You mean the Aether? The Aether you told me about in stories as a child?"

Frigga nods her head. She walks ahead of my as I walk slowly behind her.

"My father does not know everything." I heard Thor say.

"Don't let him hear you say that." Frigga said walking up to them.

I stop behind her and stay silent.

"Jane Foster, please meet Frigga, Queen of Asgard, my mother." Thor said.

The mortal Jane nods her head at Frigga.


She looked over to me and I can see a look of curiosity in her eyes. Maybe it was because I looked like a stalker with my hood on. Frigga turns to me with a smile, putting a hand on my shoulder.

"Jane, this young lady is Amara Salvatore, my Guardian." Frigga said.

"Guardian?" Jane says looking at Thor.

"Amara is the protecter of my mother, she comes from a line of Guardians who protect members of the Royal family. Sadly she is the last." Thor said.

"Oh, I'm sorry." Jane said.

I nod my head with a small smile.

"Um, is she mute?" Jane asked.

"No." I said.

"Oh!Why do you wear that hood?"

"You do ask a lot of questions for a mortal." I said.

Jane blushed and looked down. I pulled at my hood.

"I wear this because Guardians aren't suppose to have a face when it comes to protecting a member of the royal family. We don't want to draw attention to ourself, and we don't want any enemies of the Royals knowing what out faces look like." I said.

"So no one has ever seen your face." Jane said.

"Only Frigga, Thor, Odin, Trevor my trainer and...Loki."

Thor looked down, Frigga smiled at Jane, a glint of sadness in her eyes.

"Loki is a very touchy subject." I said.

"You knew him." Jane said.

"He's a member of the royal family of course-"

"Loki and Amara are best friends." Frigga said cutting me off.

"Were friends." I said correcting her.

"What was he like, I mean before he turned crazy?" Jane asked me.

"Can we change the subject, please." I said.

"Alright. Amara this is the second time I've seen you wearing a dress." Thor said with a laugh.

"I was forced this time." I said looking at Frigga.

We continued to talk, mostly Jane asking me questions about being a Guardian. I have never met someone who would be interested in what I did. Suddenly alarms rang through out Asgard. We all looked towards the dungeons.

"The prisoners." Frigga says.

"Loki." me and Thor say at the same time.

Thor looks at Jane while I look at Frigga.

"Go. I'll look after her." Frigga said to Thor.

With a nod Thor jumps off the balcony summoning his hammer and flys off.

"Go with him." Frigga says.

"My queen, as your Guardian I am to stay by your side during-"

"I'll be fine."


"As my Guardian I demand you to go, Amara."

I looked from Jane to Frigga. A green glow went over me as Frigfa changed me back into my armor.

"Go." she said. I sighed.

"Please be safe." I said.

I start to run before jumping off the balcony. I could feel the tattoo of my wings tingle as they come to life. I start to fly as they come up from my back, two big golden wings as I fly to the dungeons.

Guardian [Loki/Frigga]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu