Moving Forward

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Lucy cried for so long her eyes turned red and her cheeks became blotted. Tear stains coated her cheeks, and her nose was a pink color. She cried till she fell asleep in my arms. Porlyusica sent us home soon after Lucy feel asleep.

We made it to her apartment, after dropping off Wendy, I used the stairs and door since I had her in my arms. I brought her over to her bed and laid down the blonde. After I tucked Lucy in I kneeled beside her and crest her face. Her cheeks were still blotchy, and her nose still a light pink.

As I looked at her with hurt eyes, I knew a part of her had just been broken off. To watch our daughter 'die' in front of us, cracked her hard outer shell. After a while, I left. I kissed her forehead before leaving and headed back to my house.

As I walked, I came to the realization of two things. One, no matter how perfect things seem tragedy can happen. No matter what. Two, that no matter what I will make sure that the next time Lucy cries, it will be the day Nori is born, and the world is once again peaceful.

That is a promise I vow to keep.


I woke up to the sun right in my face. As I sat up I looked around for two people, only to realize I was alone. When that realization hit me, I began to cry again. I knew Nori hadn't 'died', but even so, seeing your own child leave you like that could break anyone. And it broke me.

I got out of bed and threw on some clothes, then grabbing my keys, both types, I headed back to the guild. I needed to see how the progress was coming along. As I walked to the guild, I looked around to see people packing their stuff and closing up shops.

Word had gotten around fast, good. The faster they get stuff packed the faster we can send them to safety. I need to make sure to get everyone off this planet so I can give them a future.

As I walked I held my tummy. Feeling like I had just had a miscarriage. I know she was still there but it still hurt. To know that I can't see my daughter again and that all our memories were gone broke me.

When I got to the guild everyone was running around making preparations for all the guilds coming and for everyone leaving. Good, I thought as I walked through heading to the stairs to grandfather's office. I needed to see how all the preparations were coming along.

As I walked I noticed people were giving me worried looks. Why wouldn't they? I look like I've been in a horrible fight.

I slowly made my way up the stairs, each step felt like I was stepping on glass shards. I soon made it to his office and opened the door to find him looking over the documents I brought back.

He looked up from his work and smiled at me, only to retract it when he saw my face. "My child, what is the matter has something happened?" He said standing up, as I shut the door behind me. Once closed I couldn't keep my emotions inside anymore.

I cried so hard I fell to the floor holding my chest. Grandfather came over to me, hugging me tightly. He rubbed my back I cried into his shirt. He didn't even know why I was crying yet he was here for me.

Once I calmed down a bit, he let go and took my hand leading me to one of the chairs in front of his desk. "Now child, tell me what is the matter," He said calmly. I told him what happened. How Nori is now out of my reach and how all the memories are lost to her.

After I explained everything, I just stared at the floor. "Her memories are not lost," His words made me shoot my head up so fast I got dissy, "Her memories are only temoraly lost. The reason why I say this is because, she was here in spirit form. Which means her memories will return, but when she has reached the age that she had made those memories at. So do not fret my child, those memories are not lost. They are just hidden like your's were not too long ago,"

He was right. Just like my memories returned, her's can too. So there is hope. There is a chance she'll remember. Knowing this made my lips form a smile. Tears began to fall once more, but not for sadness but for happiness.

After a few minutes of silence, I got up and hugged my grandfather, "Thank you, I feel much better now," I said letting go. He only smiled and with that, I left his office, so we both could get back to work.

Once I got down stairs I could see many towns people in a line. They were getting registered for the departure. Levy, Lisanna, and Wendy were taking care of that. The boys were still building the extra beds, and getting things ready. While most of the other girls were going off and spreading the word about the departure.

This is good, we've made a lot of progress so far in just 36 hours. Soon we should have the mayors and King here to discuss where the departure shall be. I helped the girls with signing everyone up for a few hours, then went over to help get the supplies ready.

Natsu came around noon, with a bunch of wood and food. Then he too helped with supplies and making sure everything was in order. As the day went on, I realized Natsu seemed to have matured a little while I was away.

This is a new development. We continued to work till almost 1 am. By then Sting, Rogue, Minerva, Yukino, their exceeds, Kagura, Millianna, Lyon, Chelia, and Meredy had come to the guild.

They had done as they were told and had spread the word to the towns near them to start packing. They also said that Mira, Cana, Erza, and Juvia would be back soon with the mayors and the king.

They helped with setting things up as well.

When it was almost 2am I finally went home. 'We're making such good progess, if everything goes smoothly, then we should have everyone gone in the next two days. This is perfect.

Soon I reached my apartment. I was so tired I wasn't even going to bother with a bath. I just wanted to sleep.

Only apparently fate had a different plan. Once I opened the door I was greeted by glowing red eyes.

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