The Meeting and The Planning

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I stayed for a whole week! And spent most of my money. Which isn't good. But, now I'm packing to go meet her since we have some things to talk about. Yukino, and Minerva saw me off at the train station. Rogue and Sting would've been there but they were on a mission. 

"Alright, I'll miss you guys. I hope to see you soon." I said hugging my dear friends' goodbye. They hugged me back as well, "We'll miss you two Lucy." And with that, we let go and I was off. 


A man with black hair sat at an old oak desk with maps, and papers scattered around him. He had places circled on the map and notes on each of the places. He was deep in thought when his doors barged open.

A man with silver hair stomped in. "Zeref it has been too long! How much longer until we can attack!?" He said slamming his hands on the desk. Zeref had not flinched, the man before him did this often. "It shouldn't be much longer till I know where we will strike, the problem is where she will strike." He said looking at his notes.

"I am sure that by now she knows what she is and that she must be careful as to where she fights. But, as well as she will do anything to keep her family and friends safe." Zeref said looking at some papers. 

The man before him growled, "Well hurry it up. I want to make her suffer." Zeref nodded, "Yes, Acnologia." He says getting back to work. 


"Okay, where is she???" A confused and frustrated woman with short haired blonde with a black tattoo on her left arm said looking around. A little girl with light orange hair stood next to her, holding on to her hand. "Mommy, is she coming soon?" The little girl asked. The blonde woman kneeled down so that she was at eye level with her daughter. 

"Yes, she should be here soon." The blonde replied ruffling the young girl's hair. The woman stood back up and continued to look around. "Lucy!" The blonde turned her head, from which her name was called from and there she saw her old time friend. And opposite. 

"Lucy!" The girl known as Lucy yelled running to her friend, giving her a bug hug. "Oh my gosh, I haven't seen you in almost ten years how have you been?" Asked Lucy. "I've been great, how bout you Lucy?" replied Lucy. 

As the girls talked the young girl with orange hair tugged on her mother's shirt. "Mommy, is this the girl you told me about? Why does she have the same name as you?" Lucy smiled, "Well, you see this girl is from Earth land, the place me and Daddy told you stories about. She is my opposite" She said pointing to the Lucy from Earthland. 

"Your mother and I, met when we were both very young, and the same age. Although I don't think we're the same age anymore since I was a sleep for about seven years, and never aged." Lucy laughed.

"You are quite correct, Lucy now why don't we go back to the castle and get some tea and talk," Lucy replied, taking hold of her daughter's hand. Lucy nodded and followed the two.


 They soon arrived at the castle, where a man with short spiky pink hair came outside to greet his wife and child. "Daddy!!!" The little cheered running to her father. "Emi!!" The man yelled picking up his daughter and spinning her around.

Lucy went up to her husband and kissed, while Emi giggled. "Hello, Natsu how have you been?" Asked Lucy. Natsu turned to his old friend. "Hello Lucy, long time no see. I've been great how bout you?" He asked setting his daughter down. 

"Fine thank you, I see while I was gone you two got busy?" Lucy said wiggling her eye brows at the couple. Natsu blushed while Lucy just huffed. "Well, yes we are married, you'll have one one day too you know," Lucy said crossing her arms.

Lucy rolled her eyes, "Anyway why don't we go chat and have some tea?" Natsu said taking his wife's hand and going into the castle. They soon made it to the day room, where they would have their afternoon tea. "I'll go make some tea, I just got some new types of herbs. Be back soon!" Natsu said going into his tea room. 

Lucy smiled and shook her head. "Ahhh, how did I ever fall for him." She said taking a seat on a plush pink coach. "I think we're both asking that question," Lucy said sitting on the coach across from her.

"Okay! I just made some Lemon and mint tea I hope you enjoy!" Natsu said coming with a tray full of tea. He sat down next to his wife, putting the tray on the table before them. Lucy reached for a cup, taking a sip of the hot liquid. "This is amazing Natsu! Lucy,  I'm so jealous that you get this," Lucy said taking another sip.

"Aww, you're too kind, but thank you," Natsu said taking a sip as well. Lucy smiled and rolled her eyes. "So how's Edolas been since I was last here?" Lucy asked setting down her tea. "It's been great, actually. Even without magic, it has been great, and many of the guild members have started families as well." Lucy said picking up her cup of tea and taking a sip.

"Wonderful! That's great news." Lucy said. "How's heartland, Natsu still crazy as ever?" Natsu asked. Lucy laughed, "It's been great! Although we've had a few bumps in the road it's been fine over all, and yes he still crazy. I dought he is ever going to grow up." Lucy said sighing. Lucy laughed, "Well, boys never do."

They all took a sip of there tea and then Lucy had a stern stare at Lucy. "Now I know you didn't come here to have a friendly chat, what is the real reason, Lucy." She said, coldly. Lucy returned the stare. "You know exactly why I'm here," She replied. 

They kept their stares till Lucy spoke, "Alright then let's get this over with, we will have a fight to the death! I won't be defeated this time Lucy Heartfillia!" Lucy yelled jumping up almost knocking over the table and tea. "What no I did not come here to fight! I came here to talk about the protection of the people!" Lucy yelled.

Lucy looked confused at her counter part. "Oh yeah that, sorry, anyway yes. We've already built houses for the families." She said taking a sip of her tea. " Good, we need them to have homes for when they come," Lucy said. 

"When will they be arriving?" Lucy aked, while Natsu made sure to take notes since his wife did forget things sometimes. "They will be arriving at the old fairy tail guild hall, where it had first been built. In about a week so please be ready." Lucy said, picking up her tea and swirling it around. 

The couple nodded. "Will do," Lucy said standing up, Lucy stood up as well, along with Natsu.  "Well, then I hope to see you in a week," Lucy said hugging her counter part good bye. "Me too, please visit again soon, then we'll really have a fight off." Lucy laughed and replied with an Okay. 

And with that, she opened a portal to Earthworld leaving behind Edolas.


Oh my god! I had so much fun writing this chapter. Why? Because you didn't know which Lucy was talking! I'm sorry I just this is way to funny. Anyway Lucy you all!

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