The Truth

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"Alright! Everyone, please! Be quite!" Zeref yelled slamming his hands on the table making the Four Tribe Kings look at him. Once he was sure they had stopped talking he began the meeting. "Now as you know we have both books and know exactly where to fight. This is now the time to pick who will fight where and how they will fight." He said taking out a map.

"Now King Burakku, your clan, the Nichibotsu Akuma, will attack at the east side of Firoe. That is where I believe you will be able to have some fun with the guilds that reside there." Zeref said taking out a folder. "In here are ways on how to position your troops. We must make sure to use these plans if we want to win. " Zeref said handing King Burakku his folder.

"Now King Howaito Raizu, your clan the Kurai Kakudo will attack the west. There you'll find that there isn't many people but more resources. I think that those resources will become quite helpful in your win." Zeref said giving the King his folder.

"King Kowareta, your clan the Shi no Uta, will take the north. I won't go into much detail about the area, but it is a harbor so we can stop trade and those that want to escape. We can also use this to our advantage.  Since we will be closing a means of escape for them."

"And now last but, not least King Kawatta, your clan the Nigai Ai will go to the east. That there is another harbor,and which we will take over. We must make sure they have no way to escape." Zeref said handing out the last folder. 

"Now we will drive them into the middle of the land, this will make it to where we can use the books, and make them kill everyone they love, as well as everything thing in the world," Zeref said closing the map. "Now prepare your troops we begin our fight in a week or so. There are still some things to be done." He said making the Kings leave. 

Acnologia, huffed and came next to his stepson. "Go work, now finish whatever needs to be done, and let us begin." He said with a stern voice. Zeref nodded. "Yes, I won't let you down."


Today was the day I would see them. It has been so long since I left, I wonder how everyone is doing. I thought walking down the street leading to the guild. I wore a blue top, white skirt, and thigh-high brown boots. My hair went down to my waist and tied by a blue ribbon. I had a blue sleeve that wasn't attached to my shirt on my left arm, and a white wristband on my right wrist. A bag of important information was slung across my chest, bumping against my hip. 

I soon made it the guild. I took a deep breath before I pushed the doors open with a large amount of strength making them bang into the walls behind them. Everyone turned their heads to the loud noise to see me standing there. Their eyes widen as I walked in.

"Hello, everyone it's nice to see you again," I said giving them a huge smile. "Lucy!!" They cried running up to me, giving me a huge hug. I cried, I was so happy to be home. "Lucy where were you! We were all worried sick about you! And Master won't let us go look for you!" Levy said hugging me while crying. "Well, you see-"

"LUCY!!!" Shit, I thought. Before I knew it Natsu had picked me up and was spinning me around. "You're back!!" He yelled. "Natsu put me down!!" I yelled.

"No never!!" He said squeezing the life out of me. At this point, I couldn't really do anything. "Fine, but I have to go speak with Master. " I said trying once again to get out of his death grip. "No, you're not leaving my side again!" He said in a very childish voice. 

I looked over to Erza and Levy hoping for some help. They smiled and shook their heads, Traitors. Well, they have a good reason, though. "So Lucy where have you been?" Gray asked coming up next to me and Natsu along with  Juvia. "I can't tell you until this dragon here lets me go talk to Master," I said pointing to the man holding me by a death grip. 

"Natsu-san Juvia thinks you should let go of Lucy-san, so we can figure out why she was gone," Juvia said looking calmly at Natsu. Natsu shakes his head. "Natsu please," I ask  making the puppy pout face. But, Natsu doesn't release his grip.

After a while of us just standing in the middle of the guild, he through me over his shoulder, "Natsu put me down this instant!" I yelled pounding on his back. He ignored me and sat down at a table. He then put me on his lap and wrapped his arms around. Once again his death grip was back. Damn.

A few seconds later Master came out. "Ahh, hello Lucy. I see you're in a bit of a pickle." He says laughing. "Shut up! Just tell him to let me go!" I yell. He laughs and nods, "Natsu please release Lucy. she and I have some things to discuss." Natsu shakes his head, "No. If you have something to say to her, you say it to me too." He said making his grip tighter.

"Okay fine just, stop making your grip tighter you're going to kill me!!" I yell. The people around us laughed. Finally, he agreed, and we went up to Master's office. Once we closed the door, I put a magic seal in the room, so no one could hear what we were saying. At least for a moment.

"Now, let's get down to business," Master said taking a seat in his chair. "I have been able to figure out where Zeref will mostly likely attack, as well as who he is working with," I said taking out a folder from my bag. 

"What, Zeref? What's going on?" Natsu asked looking at us. I took a deep breath, "Zeref plans to attack the world. He needs to kill me, though, to truely have control over the world." I said. He looked shocked, Who wouldn't be. "And he succeeds, every world will be destroyed," I said.

The room became deadly quite. "But, I have a plan to win. I have been able to get information on where the clans he is working with, to possibly be placed.  As well as I know a place those that aren't in the guilds that will be fighting will go to be protected." I said taking out the papers.

"And where would that be?" Master asked. "It will be the realm Edolas, I have already talked to her, and she has a place ready for the people," I said putting a map on the table, to show where we would meet to send the people off. "We must get them into the realm soon. I suspect Zeref will attack in about a week." I said.

Natsu and Master nodded. "And one more thing," I said will a stern voice. "He has the two most powerful Books Of the Dark Wizard. If he uses them, there is a chance we will not win. So we must make sure to defeat him and destroy the books as soon as possible." I said, picking all my papers.

"Alright now let's go tell the guild," Master said. I nodded, taking away the seal. "And Natsu I need to talk to you privately later," I said before walking out, him following behind. "Master I believe we should set up the broad cast. I want all the guild's I've picked to hear the plan." Master nodded his head. 

I helped with the setup, while Natsu looked deep in thought. "Okay we're all set, can you get everyone's attention?" I asked master. He nodded his head as I pushed play letting the broad cast begin.

"Alright Listen up Brats!" Master yelled making everyone look at us on the second floor. "As you know I was gone for almost half a year, and I have a reason for that. I was gathering Information on Zeref. He is planning to take over the world." I said people gasped.

"I have picked five guilds that will help us in the battle, those are the guilds that are now seeing this broad cast. Mermaid Heel, Blue Pegasus, Sabertooth, Lamia Scale, & what is left of Crime Sorciere. " Everyone was silent.

"I need your help in defeating Zeref, as well as we need to get everyone to the realm of Edols. There my good friend will keep them save and way from Zeref. But, there is a problem. If I am killed before Zeref and the clans he is working with. The world will not be saved." I could tell people were scared.

"I have hope that we will win. But, at the moment we do not have time to get ready to fight. We must gather together and get to our destinations. First the people, and then we will go to the place I believe Zeref will attack. I will be sending you the information, very soon and once you get it begin what you are told to do. That is all. I'm sorry I have dragged you all into this." And with that, the broad cast ended.

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