I searched for Liam. He wasn't in this building so I figured he was either in the other one or close by in the trees.

I first walked across the bridge to see if he was in the other building. I was surprised when he was. I didn't think he would be so I couldn't believe my luck.

"Hey, Liam. Lia and Dylan are coming over. Do you want to come back over?"

He nodded. "Yeah." He stood up and grabbed my hand. I smiled at the action. I really liked it when he did this. I lead him back over the bridge to wait for them to get here.

It didn't take them long to show up and as soon as they did, I realized something was different with Lia.

"He marked you!" I exclaimed giddily.

In response her face turned red and she stared at the ground. "Yeah."

I hugged her. "This is great! I'm so happy for you! You deserve this."

"Thank you." I examined her more and my eyes widened because of the way she acting. There was definitely more going on and I think I knew what. I was about to say something but she looked up and her eyes widened in alarm. She quickly covered my mouth, shook her head and mouthed, "later."

I glanced back at Dylan and threatening told him, "you better take good care of her. If not you'll have me to deal with."

"Will do. You can trust me. I won't let anything happen to her ever again. Bow why did you want us over? Lia I see no problem with but me also? I know something's up."

"Wow, straight to the point. No wasting any time I see. Well it's good to know you have someone so direct and won't hide nothing. You get the answer straight up." I directed toward Lia.

Lia shrugged, "yeah, I guess but he's great. But yeah, what's up?"

I led them farther into the room to the couch. They sat down and I looked at Liam who was playing in front of it with toy cars after I sat down also.

"Well I brought you both here because both Adam and I decided we should tell you about him." I gestured toward Liam. "You know he has no family since you looked into that but there is more about him you do not know." I knew Liam could hear me but he didn't care, he continued playing with his cars.

"What is it?" Lia asked curious as she looked at Liam, her eyebrows scrunching trying to figure what it was.

I took a deep breath, "he's supernatural. But not like anyone, he's an Owat, one of the most, if not, the most powerful supernatural being that exist. Nobody really knows about them because the council hides them and hunts them down. They are too powerful but they are also very rare." I grabbed my notes and handed them to them. "These are some of my notes about him. It's a brief over view of everything but it should tell you almost everything about him."

Lia took it from me and looked at Liam again. "Are you sure this is what he is? Because if Owat's are rare, how could you have come by him?"

"I assure you he is an Owat, we've tried disproving the fact but there was nothing that would disprove one. Of course we also won't know everything about him until he is older but we know a great deal of it is true and is him."

"Okay," Lia nodded not shaken up by this at all. "We'll look over it later. Now, I'm going to play with him." She handed her notes to Dylan and got down on her knees to play with Liam.

This time I took a good look at Dylan. I couldn't really tell what he was feeling, probably shock but I knew he accepted this which I was happy about.

After a moment, I sat down beside Lia and played with Liam also. Telling them about this went a bit better than I expected it but Lia also didn't really looked shocked by this at all. She probably knew something was different with him from the times she came and visited.

After awhile, I pulled Lia away into the bedroom and asked, "okay, can you now tell me what's going on? I know something's up. You can't hide this from me."

A small smile came on her face as she whispered, "I'm pregnant."

"Lia!" I exclaimed, "that's great! I'm so happy for you! Does Dylan know?"

"Shh! Don't tell Dylan yet! I want to surprise him."

"Okay," I giggled, "I won't tell him. But this is amazing! What are you hoping for?"

She shrugged, "it really doesn't matter to me. I'll be happy with either."

"Okay, well we better get back out there before we draw suspicion on ourselves. He may be wondering why it's taking us so long."

Lia nodded in agreement and we left the room. We sat back down on the couch. Dylan only gave us a questioning look but otherwise didn't ask.

They left a few hours later, leaving me along with Liam. I leaned against the couch and closed my eyes exhausted. I felt a little bundle curl up next to me. I opened my eyes to find Liam.

"Hey Liam," I smiled, "what's up?" I asked since it looked like he wanted to say something.

"I have a question," he said softly.

"What is it?"

"Will you be my new mommy?"


Sorry it took so long to update! Once I reached about the midpoint of this chapter I had an authors block. And sorry to those who saw this before it was fully done! I must have accidentally clicked published but now it's done!

Anyways, what'd ya think? I've done a lot of research on werewolves and werecats so I think I have all of this right.




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