*internally screams* NO.... just NO!! *slaps myself in my head* He is a BOY and a young one too!!........ However, if I think about it... in a couple of years he will be quite the, STOP!!!

I blink and see Young Master blushing redder than hells fire and feeding Rei the donburi.

Oh my, quite the predicament he has gotten himself into....
(Tiny voice in the back of my head: Humph. Why does young master get all of Rei's attention!)
Shut up have you not forgotten that the boy is a ANGEL.
(TVITBOMH: What about the fact that he's a HE?)
I'm a demon I don't care about gender as long as I'm the dominate one in the relationship -_-
(TVITBOMH: ....perv... .-.)
Shut up you started it! Wait... why the hell am I arguing with myself?!

I grab a cart, some wine, and Mey-Rin to distract Mr.Damiano.

"We've prepared a wine whose bouquet wont clash with the scent of soy sauce. Mey-Rin." She doesn't reply. "Mey-Rin." "H-hai!" "Don't just stand there; pour him a glass of wine." I whisper in her ear. "R-right! Yes!" She starts walking towards him but I notice she isn't walking strait.

Oh for Hells sake.... *Clearly irritated*

She spills the wine on the table. Rei and Ciel's both see this and Ciel's eyes widen.

Young master, honestly, if I couldn't save this dinner then what kind of butler would I be?

I react quickly.

Grabbing the tablecloth I pull as fast and as swift as possible, causing the table cloth to neatly slide off.
Rei's POV

Sebastian pulls the tablecloth off and my hair shifts slightly with the wind created by the sudden movement.

Wow..... I've GOT to ask him to teach me how to do that!!!

"Hmm? Where did the tablecloth go?" The Italian man asks. "I saw a speck of dirt on the tablecloth, so I had it removed. Please pay no mind." Ciel smoothly lies.

"My deepest apologies, Sir. Please take your time and enjoy your dinner." "Well..." Mr.Damiano starts laughing "I'm staggered, Lord Phantomhive. What a truly able man he is."

"He merely did what was proper as my servant." "My master is quite right. You see, I am merely one hell of a butler." I chuckle under my breath at his joke. Yah that's right CHUCKLE because I am a MAN. MEN chuckle, they do not GIGGLE!!!
_____back inside_____

"My I thoroughly enjoyed that! Now then, about the contract..." I sit down next to Ciel. "Before that, we must finish our game."

Mr.Damiano seems like he didn't like Ciel's response..... I could see it in his eyes.

"A-ah quite. But I'm afraid I have another appointment to go to..." "Liar.." I mutter, Ciel and Mr.Damiano look at me "W-what?" He asks slightly unnerved.

"Hm? Oh I'm sorry did I say something? Please forgive me I was just thinking to myself." I try to smile but I don't, I don't like faking smiles because they make my cheeks hurt. 0^0

I don't like Mr.Damiano's character.......

"Children are avid for games. You know that as well as I do." Ciel says looking at him his eyes narrowing.

Ah... it seems that Ciel doesn't like him either!

"In that case, might I ask to borrow your telephone for a moment first?" He gets up and opens the door to leave just as Sebastian is about to enter.

"I brought tea." Sebastian offers with a very fake smile.

Don't his cheeks hurt from that?

"I'll be back.." Mr.Damiano states and leaves for the telephone.

Ciel is about to drink some tea that Sebastian hands to him but he stops. "What is this? The aroma is so weak..." "I bought Italian tea in deference to our guest."

"Italian?" Me and Ciel both question. "In Italy coffee is the mainstream drink, so it's difficult to find high-quality teas there. It's not to your likings?" Sebastian questions us.

"I've never had tea before so this is another first for me." I reply smiling.

Ciel and Sebastian both freeze up.

(The pic is kinda like how they reacted)

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(The pic is kinda like how they reacted)

"Sebastian!" Ciel orders "Yes my lord!" Sebastian quickly grabs the tea out of my hands and throws it out the window. "I cannot allow THIS tea to be the first you try! Sebastian on your way down to the telephone go make some REAL tea!!!" "Of course my lord." "Oh and Rei?" I look at Ciel "Yah?" "What do you mean by 'another' first? Are you referring to using silverware?"

Oh so that's what he wanted to ask me?

"Oh that, actually today was the first time I've ever eaten anything!" I smile at the fact that I've experienced so many new things today. Ciel and Sebastian look at me once again. "Sebastian..." "Yes my lord, I'll prepare a variety of desserts right away." "Y-you don't have to..." I say trying to calm them down. "No Rei, you don't understand.... YES, YES WE DO!" Ciel starts muttering about a world without sweets and Sebastian disappeared to somewhere.

This chapter is 1798 words long!! (my longest yet ^_^) I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and I'll try to update again tomorrow!!
This chapter was published at 1:26 am, Monday, July 10, 2017

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