Chapter 2

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Expecting the Unexpected

I swivelled 'round in my seat so fast that i nearly fell off of it, to face the guilty look of my Dad, who was currently stood by the door rubbing the back of his neck.

"Hey Josh, so um...i guess you've met Davey?."

I  gave him a blank stare. 

Dad came over and sat down next to me and Davey left the room. I listened to him as he spoke, telling me a tale of all that had happened since i last saw him a year ago.

None of it was sinking in.

"So there we have it, i know i should have said something sooner." Dad finished off.

I raised an eyebrow at him.

"Ya think?" came my only response.

Davey :

I peeked at the two of them from the doorway that separated the kitchen from the living room. I could have handled that better.

As i looked at them, i thought back on what had just happened.

The moment he had come through the door. 

The moment my eyes had laid on him. 

The moment my life was going to change for the better.

I could only describe him as perfect, stunningly perfect. Well to me anyhow. Short wavy golden brown hair, eyes as blue as the ocean, perfect kissable lips...even his clothes that melded to him and showed off his toned body.

I shook my head to try and clear the thoughts.

I shouldn't be thinking of him like that.

Taking one last look i turned on my heels and headed to my room.

His room.

Our Room.

Joshua :

Dad's got engaged, i've missed out on so much this past year. I have a whole new family, wait - is that a good thing?

I looked up at my dad's expectant features not sure if i should be angry or happy at this news.

"Why did you not tell me before?" i questioned.

"You had too much going on." came his reply. "After what happened with Max and then your Mother going off the rai..."

I stopped him there.

"Dad, you know i had no part in that. He's twisted and so is she for believing it." i sighed as i rested my elbows on my knees, head bent down.

I closed my eyes and thought back to that day.

~Start of flashback~

I'd just got back from skateboarding and was heading upstairs for a shower when Max, my step brother had called me in to the living room. I had wearily gone in and found him slouched on the sofa. Beer cans scattered all around him.

"So little bro," he had said. "Since the 'rents won't be back for awhile, you wanna chill and have a beer?"

"I can't, i need to shower. You should think about clearing some of this up too." i said motioning my hand to the cans. As i did so he grabbed my wrist and pulled me forward. I let out a yelp as i crashed on top of him.

"Well, isn't this nice?!" he mewled in my ear. I shuddered. I struggled to move but then he flipped us both over so i was underneath. I began to panic. I couldn't breathe.

~End of flashback~

"Josh, Joshua? Are you ok?" i heard my Dad say as i refocused back into my current surroundings. 

"Huh, yeah i'm fine?" i mumbled as i looked at him.

He looked at me with a worried face.

"Hmm, if you say. Well i think you should be off to bed. We'll talk more tomorrow."

Relieved i stood up.

I was exhausted and was looking forward to my own bed.

"Oh," Dad said as i headed towards the door. "Nudge Davey over if he's hogging the bed."

What??!! Oh this is just great.

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