Chapter 3

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Two's company

Davey :

I heard the bedroom door creak open. Keeping my eyes closed tight i tried to regulate my breathing. Hopefully Josh would think i'm asleep since i'm facing away from the door.

I heard the rustling of clothes as he began to undress.

'Don't look'  i chanted in my mind, 'Don't look, don't turn around.'

I heard him curse quietly. Then the bed dipped slightly as he got in next to me.

The temperature of the room shot up by 20 degrees.

'How am i going to sleep tonight?'

Joshua :

I had just taken off my shirt when i realised i hadn't unpacked my pj's. Glancing over at Davey who was sleeping, i wondered if he'd mind me going to bed in just my boxers?

As i shrugged off my jeans, i stubbed my toe on the bedside cabinet.

'For all that is holy - shit that hurt' i cursed before sliding into bed.

With in minutes i was asleep.

Davey :

His breathing had settled into a steady rhythm. He was asleep. Slowly i turned myself around so i could watch him.

'Jeez i sound like a stalker.'  i thought.

I'm not though, i'm just lonely instead.

It hadn't always been like this.

Just a few months ago before school was out, the hottest boy in my year had asked me out on a date. I didn't even know he was gay.

Well it turns out he wasn't. I was humiliated when i turned up at the park and him and his dorky followers started laughing at me.

Since then i haven't seen him.

Which is good.

I turned away from Josh and looked at the alarm clock. 1:47am

I should really try and get some sleep.

~ ~ ~

The radio kicked in at 8am waking me from my slumber, i lazily leaned over as 'All Of Me' by John Legend was playing and hit the snooze button.

Then i remembered i wasn't alone. Turning around, i smiled. But the bed was empty.

Joshua :

I'd woken up just after 7am, unable to move my legs. It felt like they were being pinned down. A sensation of panic began to creep over me. I gulped and took a peek under the covers, it was then i realised Davey had intricately wrapped his legs around mine.


I gave a few short, swift nudges with my feet and he untangled from me as he turned over. I gave a silent sigh as i edged out of bed and made my way to the bathroom for a shower. I just hope it's not going to happen again.

~  ~ ~

Wrapping the towel around my waist i headed towards the kitchen where i could smell breakfast cooking. Dad was singing along to some ancient band that was playing on the radio.

I stood in the doorway and smirked just as he turned around to plate the food.

"Really, Dad?...and dancing too!" i laughed.

"Hey, i still have the moves." he replied.

"Sure, if the year was 1985! It should be illegal to do the 'Dad dance." i gasped out. Great, now i have to sit, my sides are aching!

Sitting myself down on a stool, i finally composed myself.

"So," Dad said "What plans do you have for today? I was thinking you could show Davey your moves at the skate park."

Why do parents do that?

"Huh, yeah sure." i absentmindedly answered as i looked at a text that had just come through to my phone.

*Alex*  U wanna meet @ mall?

*Me*   Wht time? Off 2 SK8 park soon.

*Alex* Meet u there. 1hr.

I frowned at the message. Okay then.

Dad handed me some juice as i looked up. "What's with the face?"

Sliding the phone back in my pocket, i shrugged. "Nothing."

Davey walked into the kitchen and i was happy as the attention shifted.

"Just in time, Davey. Breakfast is ready." Dad said. "Oh and Josh is going to the park. You can go with him."

I noticed Davey blush, then he motioned at me. "Like that?"

I looked down. Oh i was still in only a towel.

"I'll get dressed. Back in 5."

Davey :

As we approached the park, i watched Josh do a couple of tricks on his board. He's way better at it than me. Just then he started to wave at someone. I tore my gaze from him to see who it was.

My face paled.

Oh No!

How does Josh know Him?

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