Chapter four

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Hello there everyone! It has been a whole head and tbh I forgot about this story until someone commented on it, so since I am back in the fandom yet again, I have decided to finish this story. This was an old unfinished draft slightly edited where I thought it should be and finished, hope you like it! (If anyone else remembers this still I love you)

Tom's POV

I woke up on the couch after the party, I don't even remember what happened!

I looked around and saw Edd passed out on the floor by multiple cola cans,
Matt passed out with a broken mirror by him, oh he gon' be maaddd when he wakes up!!
And Jon wasn't anywhere by us, so I assumed he fell asleep in his room.

I get up and start picking up everyone's trash,
But I left Matt's broken mirror just so he starts yelling at everyone asking who broke it
(I know I'm evil!)

Once I finished cleaning the living room, I went to The Seeing Cloud™ and decided to stalk Tord.
Ya I dunno why I'm in heaven either.

And believe it or not, he was making out with the cardboard cutout of Edd.
Gross and he's mine!

I go to see him in angel form.
He is STILL making out with it!! I walk up behind him and yell "BOO!"
He jumps up so high I swear he could touch the top of the Empire State Building!
I fell on the ground laughing so hard!!

He looks at me with his face the same color as his robo-arm, I start calming down from laughing.
"Obviously I came to see why the fuck you were making out with a cutout of MY boyfriend!" I replied with so much anger in my voice that you wouldn't know that I was just laughing my ass of five seconds ago.

"HE SHOULD HAVE BEEN MINE!" He yelled back.
I heard something behind me and see Matt in angel form.
"What the heck Tord?!" He said obviously he heard what happened.
"EDD IS MINE, SO JUST FUCK OFF TOM HE WILL BE MINE ONE DAY!!" Tord yelling two inches away from my face.
"You have five seconds to get out of my face buddy, before I break every bone in your body." I said way more calmly then I meant it
He backed away, and I smirked.
Me and Matt turned around when we hear something familiar.
"Tord, Tom, Matt? What's going on here??" Edd asked in angel form.
"EDD DO YOU REMEMBER THAT CARDBOARD CUTOUT OF YOU?!" I said and before he could answer back I yelled
"GROSS!!" Edd yelled back with his face scrunched up in disgust
I noticed Tord slowly making his way to Edd, I remembered what Jehovah said about when an angel is in angel form on earth, he/she can be killed, and go to the afterlife with is just eternal darkness, or could be dragged down by a demon. That means if Tord kills himself while we are in angel form, he can drag us down with him.. (I honestly have no clue if this is true I made a whole lot of this up without really knowing much about the Bible so, sorry if this is wrong))
Tord is right next to my baby and he doesn't even know!
Tord pulled out a gun
Tord pointed it to his own head and pulled the trigger
"GUYS, WE HAVE TO GO NOW!" I yelled making them confused
"JUST COME ON-" before I could really finish my sentence I heard a laugh.
"Oh but Jehovah's Witness, don't you want to stay for the show?" Tord said, he had demon horns, a demon tail, and demon wings.

I tried to pull Edd and Matt so we could go, but Edd was being pulled down by Tord.
"TORD STOP LET GO OF ME!! PLEASE!" It was obvious he was having a panic attack.
My baby had tears running down his face, and I couldn't help!!
(Writing again after a whole year whoop)
I grabbed Edd's arm as tight as I could, but Tord was stronger and I lost my grip. Edd's screams echoed throughout the room, it was loud and hurt, it made me feel guilty for my baby's screams. After what felt like an eternity of Edd screaming, me and Matt trying to grab onto him, and Tord laughing like a maniac, they both disappeared through the floor. My baby left with the Commie.
Me and Matt just sat there for a bit, processing what had just happened. After a few minutes Matt broke the silence. "He's gone.." it was the truth, he did leave, he left us without wanting too. Without warning. Without a chance.
I couldn't say anything but nod. We sat there for a bit more. Nothing else said until "Tom, will we ever see Edd again?" I honestly didn't know the answer to that. I thought for a second before saying "Yes Matt. We will. We are going to get him and bring him back to where he belongs."

Edd's P.O.V

I didn't remember much after see Tom and Matt's desperate faces, my loud screaming and crying from my panic attack, and everything going black. I woke up but, I didn't know where I was, it was dark, and it was hot. It actually felt like I was burning, but no pain, no sweat, just really really hot.
I opened my eyes only to find I had a blindfold on. "H-hello?" I stuttered. I tried to move my hands but they were tied behind my back. I realized I was tied to a chair, blindfolded. I got scared and started breathing heavily. Where is Tom?! I started breathing faster thinking of my boyfriend. Is he ok? Does he know where I am? I don't even know where I am!
"Oh, good morning honey!" Said a familiar Norwegian accent
"Tord?" I asked " Morning sweet-cheeks~" Then someone, who I assume was Tord, kissed my cheek. I moved in discomfort.
He took the blind fold off, and I realized where I was.


Whoop! I'm back!! And FAR better at writing, and storytelling.
I've had the idea for what happens for this book written in my notes and I kinda forgot about it for a while.
But I'm back and that's what counts! And it's angsty the second I start back.
I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! New one should be out tomorrow or Monday!

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