Blaine had gotten pregnant ages ago with his first child. Unfortunately, the other father hadn't been on board with the whole idea and had drugged Blaine, taken him into hiding... and cut him open for the sole purpose of killing their child. He'd succeeded and Blaine had never been the same since. And then, he'd gotten pregnant with me. Hades had impregnated him with his own sample, and not long after, Blaine had given birth to me... and Hades had taken me away from him. Blaine had, according to others since Blaine himself would never talk about it with me, gone into a deep depression for years.

He'd had two children taken away from him.

And I could very well carry on that tradition if that bastard shifter got anywhere near me.

And the very idea sent another cramp going through me. I groaned, tilting my head to the side on the tub, reaching down to rub at my distended belly.

"Alright, alright," I managed, "Sorry. You just have no idea what this is like... And I hope you never do." I sniffed a little, feeling a sudden of wave of tears coming on. I groaned, slamming my eyes shut, even though the flow had already started and was coming down my face.

Chalk that up as my number one least favorite thing about being pregnant. Not only did I have to suffer through aches and pains, constant cramps, really gross food craving, swollen feet and ankles, but my emotions were all over the damn place. One second, I felt great, munching on a sandwich of cream cheese, cucumbers, mustard, and garlic, and in the end, I was crying about how fucked up our entire life was. And again, those food cravings, though. I was not a fan of mustard, by any means, but suddenly I wanted it on everything. I'd even eaten it in ice cream form, thanks to Remi and his magic cooking skills.

If it wasn't for him and that kitchen, I would've just fucking torn the roof off this place and gone after the townsfolk.

I closed my eyes and decided to stop thinking for a while. It was stressing me out, and the baby too. So I reached over to the little panel on the side of the tub and turned on some music, letting the sound of flutes and harps play through the speakers mounted on the walls. I settled in among the bubbles, focusing on the gentle water around me, the soft whisper of the bubbles when they popped.

I wasn't there for very long before the bathroom door opened and Thorn came in with a sleepy smile.

"Hey, baby, how's the water?" He asked. I smiled as he did his business and I motioned my hands around in the bubbles.

"Lonely," I responded. Thorn smirked as he took a razor to that beard on his face.

"Oh yeah? Maybe I can fix that."

"You should. The baby's kicking and I need someone to calm him down," I murmured, turning back to the water, only to pause when I realized what I'd said. I swallowed and looked down at the water, looking through the bubbles at my bulging belly. I heard Thorn walking across the bathroom to the tub and listened to the rustle of his clothes as he dropped them to the floor. I sat forward, letting him climb into the tub with me, settling it behind me. I leaned back against his chest, sighing in relief at having him there to cradle me against his huge body. He wrapped his arms around me, resting his hands on my belly, and it was better than any massage that my mentor could provide me.

"It's alright," Thorn murmured against my ear, and he kissed me on the head, stroking his thumbs back and forth over my stomach, "Everything's going to be okay, Ambrosius. Male or female, or whatever else, our child will be safe. I give you my word."

"Don't say that," I managed, putting my hands over his and giving him a small squeeze, "If something happens, I don't want you to blame yourself."

"Nothing's going to happen," Thorn assured me, making me glance at him warily, "I'm so confident nothing is going to happen that I don't care in blaming myself. This child is ours. We're safe here. We have guards placed all over the palace, inside and out. We have the King of Atlantis's royal guard here. We have Cerberus coming in with Blaine and the kids any day now. We'll be alright. We're as protected as we can be." I didn't want to voice my doubts. It felt like that would make them all too real, so I remained silent, resting my head against Thorn's chest, letting the sound of his heartbeat lull me into a relaxed state.

Firstborn [malexmale]Where stories live. Discover now