11. TRANCE WILSON: History

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"What is going on, Trance? You've never been called to the headmaster's office before in your entire life and now you've been called twice?! This time, you kissed a BOY in public!" My mom rumbled. The noise of her high-pitch voice is hurting my ears.

"Yeah," I simply answered her nonchalantly. That sends her further into rage.

"Can you believe him?!" My mom asked my father furiously. My father lost for words. He is torn in two. Looking into his heart, he is feeling pity towards me for everything that had happened and he thought that what I did at school was probably just me being rebellious. I have this ability ever since I woke up from the coma, you know? I can look into people's heart and know what they're feeling. I also noticed that I am also a lot stronger and faster. William said he had lent me some of the devil's ability to help me get my revenge. I don't know whether it's a blessing or a curse.

My father was about to speak when I stood up abruptly and walks to the door. "Don't worry. Soon, I will not be a burden to you anymore," I said as I open the door and get out into the dark, cold night outside. I heard my mom crying in the arms of my father. Why is she crying? I can't feel bad for what I did or said. I have no soul. How can I feel anything? The best I can do is to ignore them. It's annoying.

I know where I'm heading to. I'm going to William's 'fake' house. He's dangerous and unpredictable but he's the only one I can trust. If he's going to kill me there and then, I would not even care anymore. He should just quickly get rid of that soul of mine. That soul is making me having second thoughts. I hate having second thoughts. I hate the old me. I hate the nice me.

"Trance!" I heard someone calling me as I passed by the field. I turn around and saw Peter huffing for air. He must've jogged to catch up to me just now. I look at him with little interest and put on a face like I was saying 'what do you want?' at him. He looks at me in the eye for a moment, struggling to find a word to say. He opens and closes his mouth repeatedly like there's something he really wanted to say to me but it got choked at his throat. Finding no meaning to stand there waiting, I turn back around quickly to head back to where I was going. "Wait!" Peter called as he grabs my arms and pulls me for a turn to look at him.

"What, Peter? Asking for another push from me?" I said, skeptically, reminding him that I had pushed him back to the lockers a few days back. He is still gripping my wrist tightly.

"I... I'm sorry..." He finally managed to say what he's been trying to say.

"For what?" I asked, pretending to be stupid at first but then I glare at him. "Oh... for raping me with your friends and beating me to death, is that it?" I chuckle cynically at that question by me. "Yeah.. 'sorry' should make up for it," I said sarcastically.

He looks like he's really feeling guilty. Looking into his heart, yes, he is feeling guilty. But I could not care less about that. "I... Look, Trance... I..." he could not finish his words.

"Let me go," I ordered him casually to let go of my hand.

"Trance..." he called me. "I still love you," he said. "You and I have history, do you remember?" He asked, probably thinking that I really had lost some of my memories.

"Oh yeah... that's it. We're 'history'... Remember?" I asked him back. In a way, that tells him that I still remember, of course. And that it had ended.

"You broke up with me. I was furious! That's why I did it. The original plan was that I would be the only one to rape you but they joined in. I didn't know how to react. I couldn't stopped them," Peter is trying to back himself up which only sounded much like a selfish statement from a bastard.

Something stirs up in me. It's anger and also... sadness... "Let me go. You're disgusting me!" I said without any effort of trying to pull my hand away from his grip. Tears build up in my eyelids. Why do I have these? Why am I feeling? Shit! William must be near-by. My soul... it must be near-by. "Are you asking for a punch, Peter?! I said let go!!" I shouted at Peter.

With some hesitance, he lets go of my wrist that he was gripping. Tears stream down from my face. Peter has tears on his face too. "I'm sorry..." Peter said in a broken voice.

I fight my own feeling the best that I could. It's troublesome because I knew at that moment, I had almost, almost... going to be nice and forgive him again. Like many, many times before. I had forgiven him many, many times before. No. Not this time. "'Sorry'. Would not. Change a thing!!!" I yelled in anger towards him. "I'm not who I was anymore. You're going to get what you deserve," I warned, turning around, and quickly walking away. I realize instantly of what was happening back there. The emotions that I had no control over. I'm going to punch William silly for this when I find him. He made me 'feel'. I hate it. I hate it! I HATE IT!

[✔] The Devil's Lover (boyxboy)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant