Chapter Extra. The One You Loved

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~Do you remember what I said the night that I just spilled my soul? I told you things about myself, Things that no one else should know.~

There was the young boy who wished to be beautiful and aimed for revenge at those who had wronged him. His wishes were granted. Of course, with something for William to get in return.

~You see the thoughts behind my eyes. You try to ask but you don't pry. We feel the same but we don't speak. You cannot make up your mind. There's always some form of excuse. There's nothing left for me to prove. I try to hold on cause you know I hate to lose.~

Going around with him, looking at so many people with so many wishes. Some are trivial, some are twisted. Trance can't help but wonder what was William's thoughts of Trance's own wish in the past. Was it trivial to him? Was it just something he picked up out of curiosity? Was he just one of those souls he merely collected for the sake of collecting souls?

~What happened to the one I loved? Was the change in me not strong enough? Was it something else? Cause I tried my best. What happened to the one I loved? Was the sober me not good enough? Is there someone new? I can't get through to you.~

It frightens him to think that he could just be ordinary. He doesn't want to be ordinary. He wants to be someone special for William. But what could be regarded as special for William? He has no idea who William really is. He has no idea what's going on his mind. William is the seed of all evil, he can understand that but he can never fathom his true nature.

~I can't get out of my head, time with you is what I dread. When it's you and me, apparently I don't seem to phase you, so I chase you just to be shot down I never break through.~

"Why me?" Trance suddenly found himself asking aloud to the man sitting opposite him at their dining table in a fancy restaurant which he, while he was alive, could never afford to go.

William smiles at him. "Oh. You're wondering why I chose you as my companion? I know someday I will hear this question from you," he simply acknowledged.

~All these fucked up restless nights always haunt my sleepless mind. Only trying to survive. But you won't even look me in my eyes. Always some form of excuse. There's nothing left for me to prove. I tried to hold on but I know I need to lose.~

Trance looks at him, trying to discern whether the man in front of him will be willing to spill the truth or will he play another mind game of his. "So, are you going to tell me?" He pleaded, almost looking cute to persuade the man. He knew that at times, William is weakened by him when he plays it cute.

Realizing what Trance is trying to achieve, William grins charmingly. "You might not like the answer," he simply stated.

~What happened to the one I loved? Was the change in me not strong enough? Was it something else? Cause I tried my best. What happened to the one I loved? Was the sober me not good enough? Is there someone new? I can't get through to you.~

"But I don't wanna be ordinary," Trance spilled his mind. "I want to be special to you," he added. These thoughts had been bothering him for a while and he refuses to give up this time. He had hinted this concern of his a couple of times before, but William always dismissed it or pretended not to understand his hints.

William lets out a long sigh, contemplating on how to address his lover's concern. After a while, he finally said; "You're never ordinary to me, Trance."

~I start to think out loud and with every sound, she breaks. With a shattered soul. She was the black hole when I roamed space. When I roamed space.~

Trance raises his head to look at William in order to see the sincerity in his eyes. But he did not utter a word. He feels like he can only let himself get lost in those eyes. Those words are already assuring enough for him. He did not, however, expect William to further elaborate on his point.

~What happened to the one I loved? Was the sober me not good enough? Was it something else? Cause I tried my best. What happened to the one I loved? Was the sober me not strong enough? Is it something else? I can't get through to you.~

"You might have gone through many names before, over an epoch. But you're still you. You're still the one that intrigued me the most," William explained.

Epoch? Trance wonders. "Are you talking about me, as in my previous life?" He asked. William only nodded in answer and continues to poke at his steak with the fork on the plate right in front of him. "That thing is real? Things like reincarnation?" he asked to confirm his thoughts.

~What happened to the one I loved? Was the change in me not strong enough? Was it something else? Cause I tried my best. What happened to the one I loved? Was the sober me not good enough? Is there someone new? I can't get through to you.~

William got up from his seat immediately and picks Trance up to a stand while embracing him by the waist. "Hmm. But you can no longer go through that anymore as your soul and your whole self is mine, now. I'm sorry," He said. Without waiting for an answer from Trance, he quickly went down to suck on the lower lips of his lover. He no longer wants to continue with this useless conversation.

"Now, I'm going to fuck you right here, Trance," William said.

~What happened to the one I loved? Was the change in me not strong enough? Was it something else? Cause I tried my best. What happened to the one I loved? Was the sober me not good enough? Is there someone new? I can't get through to you. Is there someone new? I can't get through to you.~

In panic, Trance looks around at the other patrons in the restaurants whom had already started to look at them. Some with curiosity, some with disgust, and some with excitement. "But there are people around!"

"Exactly, let's give them a show. You need to be punished for questioning me," as he said these words, Trance whole body had already been lifted up on the table, pushing all the utensils and food down to the ground in the process. "I want you to feel humiliated," he said. "And also loved at the same time," he added. "And don't worry. I'll erase this memory off of the minds of these people when we're done," William whispers softly to Trance's ears as he begins to undress...



The Plot in You – The One You Loved


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