Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

The following day Clara came back and kept her promise. I was fast asleep when she knelt down next to me and shook me.

" I'm up, I'm awake Annie."

The minute I said Annie's name I wanted to take the words back. I saw confusion take over Clara's face and then she smiled sadly. She must have heard of me and Annie, she must have. Yet, according to her we aren't even in Panem. She didn't ask any questions, just handed me a bottle of water, a clear bag filled with sandwiches and chocolate biscuits.

I ate them, slowly savoring the taste, the crisp lettuce, the juicy ham, and the soft fresh bread. She sat next to me, and started to braid part of her hair. She eyed me skeptically as if expecting me to say something about her hair.

When she tied it off with a bobble, she stared at me. I stared right back, I didn't understand. Maybe she was doing this on purpose, or maybe just a coincidence and I was getting paranoid.


Katniss always wore her hair in a braid. She must know me! Anger boiled inside me, why was she lying? Instead of confronting her I smiled.

" You suit your hair like that."

She smiled again, though her face sort of fell. As if I had missed a clue she was trying to give me.

" Thanks."

She brought her rucksack over to her lap and began unzipping the largest pocket. She pulled out a quilted white blanket, she laid it down in front of me.

" For you. Its freezing at night, I can't leave you without some means of warmth."

Her kindness really shocked me. How someone could care so much for a person they had never met before. People began to stare at us now, as if this was unusual. It probally is. How many times have I ever seen a stranger help a person in need? Not many. Kindness comes at a price in the districts, usually it means a night without food or a night freezing in the cold. We only think of our loved ones.

I took the blanket by the edges and laid it across my legs. The soft fabric felt nice and already I just wanted to snuggle into it and succumb to sleep.

We spoke for a while. Mostly about Clara's life, but she did ask me a few questions.

" So.... If you don't mind me asking, how did you end up here? I mean, on the streets."

I thought about the best way to answer this.

" I literally just woke up here I guess. I was in Panem, I nearly died I think. And I woke up here."

She eyed me suspiciously. As if she didn't believe what I was telling her. She must know about the hunger games, every time I mentioned the games or Annie's name she flinched. Now she doesn't show any change of expressions on her face, she never changed. If I mentioned the games, her expression was the same as it had been seconds before, interested.

" You planning on going back?"

" Yes, I must. Annie is still there, and the rebellion is taking place. We were on our way to take out President Snow. They need me. I just don't know how to get there from here."

" I wish I could help, but I don't know either. I haven't even heard of Panem."

I chuckled. " Yeah that would probally help."

Clara came to see me day after day, she always brought food and extra blankets. I rarely ever left my little spot, only time I did was to find a quiet place for the toilet. Even then I wouldn't leave my few belongings behind, in fear that someone would steal them.

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