Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Cold. That was the first thing I felt when I woke up, and hard rock underneath me.

I shivered. The hairs on my bare arms raised up, I could feel the goosebumps forming. I must be dying. But i could feel my arms, I'm sure those mutts nearly broke them. I curled my fist, I could feel every touch. My arms and hands were perfectly normal.

I opened my eyes, expecting to see either the room that I was last in, my fellow rebels, or a firing squad in front of me. After all maybe I'd been captured by those who still supported President Snow, that man is pure evil.

I slowly opened my eyes and I jumped up in shock. I was lying on a pavement next to a road. Cars went flying by, not many people in district 4 have cars, and even then they looked nothing like this. I had only ever seen cars in the capitol.

People walked by me, they looked weird. They wore odd shoes, with fancy coats and jewellary. Nothing like what Effie Trinket used to wear, a lot more subtle, but still weird.

I looked around, surveying my surroundings. Where was I? I had never seen this place before. I turned around, I had been lying slumped against a stone wall. I walked around it, only to see a line of shops. Not like the shops at home, these shops had mannequins in the windows. I had to be in the capitol. 

How i got to the capitol I had no idea. This must obviously be what the capitol think of as a run down area, almost a place for the "poor residents" of the capitol. The people that walked by don't look poor, in fact they would look rich back home.

I felt my heart beat faster, and sweat run down my face. How did i get here? Someone must have saved me. I stood still, waiting for someone to emerge. Hopefully someone would tell me the story behind this.

No one did tell me the story though. I watched people come and go, I never left this spot. I was too scared. What if i was meant to stay here? The sky darkened and only then did i realize I was hungry. My hunger blocked out the cold air and all i could think of was food. What wouldn't i give right now for some of the capitals delicious steak?

I sat down, shaking. The few people who still walked around the shops looked at me with pity in their eyes. A woman and her friend even dropped me some money.  I didn't understand. They had money to spare? Residents of the capital would give their money to me?

I was surprised no one had recognized me yet, I was Finnick odair! I am the youngest person ever to win the annual hunger games! I am one of the many faces of the rebellion, why haven't peacekeepers came to take me away yet?

The sky turned black overhead and I didn't care about myself anymore. There were more important matters at hand. I had to get a message to Katniss, I had to get messages back to district 13. Coin would get me out of here. I don't trust the woman but she's my best bet right now.

What of my wife?  What of Annie? Does she know I'm missing? I don't think she could know, unless Katniss somehow got the message out.

A smile lights up my face as I think of our wedding. It wasn't fancy, we were still in the middle of the rebellion but it seemed the appropriate time to have it. We didn't know how long we had together. Peeta made the icing on our cake, sea shells and fish. To represent district 4. I remember Katniss telling Annie how beautiful it was.

"That's beautiful. Who baked it?" She asked.

Annie's hand was in mine and she smiled as she spoke the words.

"Peeta did. Its really gave him a big boost in confidence, I think he's starting to realize who he is once again. I'm just sorry he couldn't be here to see how wonderful it looks in this room."

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